Subject: Letter to Upperdeck, Stephen H. Ok, everyone should send this letter to Upperdeck! feel free to change it to make it say more what YOU want to say. Or just copy and paste. Let them know we actually want a say in the process people! (Here's where you copy and paste): I am confused as to why your pictures for some of the cards have been edited. The ONLY card I could have seen as justifiably changed is Water Omotics, seeing as how the US has laws dealing with nudity, and if it was not changed it would be illegal for you to sell it to minors. I wonder why you changed The Legendary Fisherman, because it makes much more sense to spear the fish instead of just hit it with a soft ball on the end of a stick. Axe of Despair was also an unnecessary change. Premature Burial also had the picture changed... Please do not change any more of the pictues unless you absolutely have to. Also, PLEASE do not change the names in order to Americanize them. You have done a good job with most, but when there are still cards with names like Jirai Gumo and Girochin Kuwagata, which normal non-japanese speakers don't understand, it just makes people wonder what is going on up there. United We Stand, which is scheduled to come out in early February with the next expansion, Labyrinth of Nightmare, NEEDS to have a name change! We all see the connection to the US, but this has been taken by many as a chance to milk the post-9/11 sentiments like so many other corporations. I feel this cheapens America and Upperdeck does not want to cheapen itself by changing a card game that is perfect without intervention in that manner. From: a concerned player (There, that wasn't so hard, was it?) Feel free to email me saying that i'm unpatriotic or whatever, uh compliment me or anything, I hope at the very least this helps you to think about what you want YOUR gameplay to be like! Any other YGO questions are gladly accepted! my email is, and that's also my AIM so woohoo!