Subject: Hey, Rocky! Watch me pull a win out of my (Magical) Hat! --Kyoichi_Saiyonji No one's been saying very much about the Pharoah's Servant super-rare Magical Hats since its release. We've all seen it portrayed on the anime, but didn't really give it much thought once it was released. For those of you who don't know how it works, here's the rundown: Magical Hats Trap You may activate this card during your opponent's Battle Phase. Take 2 non-monster cards from your deck and select 1 of your monsters on the field, then shuffle your Deck. Shuffle the 3 selected cards and Set them in face-down defense position. The 2 cards selected from your Deck are treated as monsters (ATK and DEF 0) and are destroyed at the end of the Battle Phase. Now, what comes to mind as to the particular strategy when using this card? Sure, it sets up a defense shield when your opp's monsters outnumber yours, and it can also be used to protect a particular monster for a turn, even though luck may run against you this way. But, looking closer at the requirements of the card, we can come up with a few combos that can either turn the game around for you or win it for you outright! First, let's look at its synergy with Magician of Faith and Mask of Darkness: Magical Hats has you retrieve two non-monster cards once it is activated. What you don't think about much at first is that YOU CHOOSE THE TWO MAGIC/TRAP CARDS!! It's a great way to find your Reborns, Raigekis, 7 Tools, Imperial Orders, etc. If you have Magician or Mask as your only monster on the field, switch on the Hats, pull out the cards you need, and then let the attack commence! If your opp hits a m/t card on the first attack, and then attacks your Magician/Mask, you get the card back in your hand! Luck plays somewhat of a role here, but it's helpful to remember to pull ONLY magics if you have a Magician and ONLY traps if you have a Mask. Now, here's an interesting little combo I thought up. It might require a ruling to verify, though... Magical Hats & Morphing Jar #2 Here, you WANT your opp to hit the Jar on the first attack. Say you have a Morphing Jar #2 as your only monster on the field. Your opp attacks, you activate Magical Hats in response. You replay the attack and he/she hits the Jar. Since the two m/t cards are treated as monsters until the end of the battle phase, they get shuffled back into the deck, so you don't lose them, AND you also get to pick up cards until you get THREE monsters!(The number of monsters you had on the field when the Jar's effect resolved.) Suddenly, you've turned the game around, all with a little sleight of hand! It's a very interesting combo that can work in the early or late game. There are a ton of creative combos that go beyond the simple "DNA Surgery/Insect Barrier" synergy that I think have yet to be discovered. Keep looking and you're sure to find many new ways to play the game that you didn't know existed! Kyoichi_Saiyonji