Subject: new combos/tips-Master Duelist O.K. Here are a few more combos/tips you might find helpful. 1. You can use a card like Fairy meteor crush on a powerful monster like SS for some real life point damage. 2. You can activate a trap card like gust or driving snow when your opponent destroys one of your m/t card(s). This way, you can destroy one of hi/her m/t cards. Most likely, the magic or trap card your opponent might have on the field is probably a good one, and can entirely ruin your opponent's strategy. 3. When your opponent is at 4000 life points or less, and your life points are higher than your opponent's, use a card like Chain energy. Put a strong monster on the field like Mr. Volcano (2100 atk/1300 def) to attack your opponent's life points directly, or just to destroy his/her forces. 4. Use a card like SORL when your opponent is on the verge of winning the duel, and/or when you have a strategy that can completely confuse your opponent. This way, you can draw "life saver cards" like Dark hole, or Shield and Sword, etc. 5. If you have a Magic Drain, use it! What are the chances of your opponent having a crappy card in his/her hand? Exactly, there is really not a good chance they do. The card your opponent might discard could be a game-shifting card, and if your opponent does not discard a magic card, the magic card they just played is history. If you have any comments, email me: Master Duelist