rsday, December 26, 2002 1:01 PM To: Bill Subject: not your average beatdown rant- PrinceMarkOfTheCelts Ok ill start this rant quickly, what is wrong with you people, always knocking beatdowns, and saying "but there is no strategy in them" or "there are so many ways to beat them easily" many of you think a beatdown is just 3 skulls, 3 la jinns, and three dark elf's mabye a few ultimate offerings, and a bunch of 500+ equips there is plenty of strategy in a good beatdown, like mine, my deck has won several tournaments, because i can keep my opponents attacks from affecting me (via cyber jar, mirror force, dark hole, wabaku, enchanted javelin, shift, and solemn wishes) and using invader of the throne, shallow grave, and change of heart to bring out a skull, or a blue-eye, of course i use trap hole, and man eater and han hane to keep my opponents feild clean for attacking, even using 2 ground colapses is a good idea, if they cant put down monsters they cant defend. so before you step all over beatdown think about it, they are good! any mail accepted, but no virus's please <('_')> OO e-mail