Subject: Upper Deck's Future Tourney System-TheProphet Hello again. I think this will be my fifth post on Pojo if it is posted (sixth one sent). Anyway, I heard that Upper Deck will be making some big changes to the tourney scene, thanks to some new guys from Wizards of the Coast. One of the changes I have heard about (these are only rumors) is that Upper Deck will use a Swiss format for their tourneys. For those of you who don't't know what a Swiss tourney is, you get randomly paired with opponents and you get more points for defeating someone of higher rank and fewer points for beating someone lower. There is no real winner of each tourney, only of whole seasons. If my explanation had any errors, please tell me. (no flames please) I'm going to argue both sides of this issue. Swiss tourneys suck. There is no single person winning the tournament in Swiss format. With Swiss, n00bs will be able to win prizes, and we can't have that. Bracket tourneys are so much better for separating the winners from the n00bs. The newbies (yes, I stopped saying n00b) need to learn their place. Swiss tourneys rock. It will be a great opportunity for lesser duelists to get in on the fun of winning, and will keep the same select group of duelists from winning all the time. It will also make it tougher for the top-ranked duelist to keep his rank. No longer will newbies keep losing in 5 seconds and only having a tourney pack to show for it! Powerful duelists beware, the newbies will rise up! Okay, now that you've heard a brief argument from both sides, you'll hear what I really think. I'm neutral on this issue, though I think the current format works a little better. However, it would be GREAT if they implemented the points system where you get more points for beating higher-ranked duelists. I would eat that up, and so would the newbies. Feel free to e-mail me if you want to voice your opinion or have anything to add to the discussion. I might even make this a topic on the Message Board if I feel like it. My address is There once were a warrior who try to make his skill ultimate. That warrior be me.