Subject: deckidea-SethRW today i am writting about the Gravekeeper's cards. i have been attempting to make a tournament worthy Gravekeeper's deck since PGD came out, most people call it a Necrovalley deck but Necro is pointless without Gravekeeper's. at first i tried to make a straight Gravekeeper's deck- that didnt do so well because if Necrovalley gets destroyed your Gravekeeper's are screwed against any decent deck, most Gravekeeper's cards are weak without Necrovalley's boost, this is the weakest form of Gravekeeper's deck after several failed attempts at that i moved on to a deck i liked to call Gravekeeper's Army ( or a spellcaster/warrior deck) this was a huge improvement over a straight Gravekeeper's deck, i used mostly Gearfrieds for this deck but they made a nice back up when i didnt have Necrovalley on the field. This deck did pretty well and with fine tuning it could be tournament worthey (this deck really showed of how useful The A. Forces is). The last and best form of a Gravekeeper's deck is a Hand Destruction/Gravekeeper's deck. This type of deck is awesome. Not only do you ruin your opponents hand you also prevent them from getting the cards back thanks to Necrovalley's effect. In this deck i used Dilenquent Duo, The Forceful Sentry, Confiscation, Robbin Goblin x2 (two of these on the field is murder), Drop Off x2( or 3), and a Trap of Board Eraser ( combo with Delinquent Duo or Confiscation). The fewer the options your opponent has the better off you are and with Necrovalley on the field cards almost everyone has in their decks ( Monster Reborn, Call of the Haunted, Premature Burial, any other recursion cards, Magician of Faith, Kycoo, etc.) become useless spase. a little tip-Magic Reflector is a must to keep Necrovalley on the field is there a Gravekeeper card, like THE Gravekeeper all the other dudes work for any info on this would be nice