Subject: High Risk and a Rant on Judges.- Cody Oliver Hello, I've been playing YGO since the starter decks came out (Yugi myself) and I'd just like to comment upon some things I have noticed in these so called "Top decks" reports and so forth. I know we are all entitled to our opinion, but some of these are not what we would call "Learned" opinions, maybe "half-learned" in some cases, but more like "Opinionated" in most. So here are just a few of my LEARNED opinions, I'm not trying to sound snobbish, but I do research and make notes before I state anything on a public "Forum" such as this. Unoriginal Beatdown- I can understand why people like this deck, it's EZ (not Easy, because that takes more work to type then just the letters, hint hint.) to play and takes no thought to use really. However, it also takes no thought to counter (GBind and MoP) I know what you are thinking now "Jinzo would take out the GBind" or "I could HFD or HS or IO those" Guess what, DUH! You can do that with any magic or trap card that is aggravating you! Just like I could wipe out your field of GAFs, SDs, Elves, Kycoo/Gear, Bazoo etc. etc. with Raigeki, Dark Hole, TT, or any of the other cards that make yer monsters go "pop". Now then, as I was saying, this deck is seen so often that it isn't any fun to play with or against imho. I enjoy a challenge or a twist, which brings me to the risky decks I enjoy playing with. Burn/Weenie deck- I don't understand why people say this deck isn't worth using, it is priceless going "Tappa tappa tappa" with Jinzo #7 or Mucus Yolk(equipped of course) and widdling away at them while their beefy hitters take a nap. Sure if I don't get my GBinds out or they get destroyed I'm in for some problems, well guess what, any deck that doesn't get one of their important cards out is in trouble! BTW, This isn't clown control, you won't find a single one in there. I have won tourneys with this deck by taking out Blitz Beatdown (as they call it around here in Evansville). And with this deck I have more than just one way of winning, 1 card cannot shut this deck down like a beatdown can be with MoP or GBind. Gamble deck- WHEE! Coin flips and dice rolls! What fun! This deck can be slow to play and aggravating to win with at times but my dice jars and Barrel Behind the Doors make it lots of fun either way, Gbinds and MoPs go well in here too! This deck has lots of potential and can be pretty fun when used, nothing beats rolling that 6 with a dice jar or Skull/Graceful Dice. Throw it all to the wind and put your fate in lady luck! You just may enjoy it! I'd really like to see others play this deck. Last Turn Deck- You read right, THIS is a challenge to get off right, getting under 1000 AND having the cards to win? Whew, risky risky risky! I just make it so that I'm the one who does damage to myself, not them. I got lots of psycho looks when I smote myself down with Dark Elf and Lily, til I pulled the win out. And trust me, more than one way to win with that deck too. Finally a word on judges at these things, I don't know how it is where everyone else plays but the judges at my tourneys don't even play the game let alone keep up on the rules of it, they know card restrictions and what has been told to them, but without playing they can't really have any need to research and study the situations some cards have, they are busy playing L5R most times anyway. I've had players ask me what a ruling is on the card, older players, younger ones, and the guy who runs it have asked me a few questions, but we still have 1 or 2 judges who just do it for the store credit (I believe 1 guy knows the rules because he actually use to play and still plays abit). Anyway, thats just my two cents. Cody Oliver, 18 Please direct your flames/praises/questions/cookie recipes to