Subject: Saying What Needs to Be Said! - blackcassiel Just to let eveyone know, I am 20 years old. I do play, but not excessively, and I don't go blowing my money on cards like all of these people complain about (I have better things to do.) But, everytime I come onto Pojo and read these tips, all I see is "Rich...blah-blah-blah..." People need to realize that yes there are older people that play this game and they are tired of hearing, "Waah, that kid must be rich to get those cards, whine whine whine..." There are kids that might be rich, and they may have the cards that you don't have. But, then you have to realize that there are many kids like yourselves that can't afford the cards you want. There are many ways to get the cards you want, and the best way is through trading for them. The best way to do get the cards you through trades, is buy the odd few packs that you get and offer them for the trade, who cares if they get good cards, you'll be getting the card(s) you want in the end without paying as much for them, RIGHT?!? Now onto the tips... There are plenty of tips out there, but I haven't seen too many good ones. I won't be giving tips on a specific deck right now, but I will let people know what deck types "RIGHT NOW!" are good ones. 1. The Beatdown Deck...plenty and plenty of cards for this deck...very good deck type because of the sets that have recently and previously come out...and yes there are many common cards that are perfect for this deck type, but then there are many, many other rare cards that make a Beatdown worthwhile (but like a I suggested trading for them is worthwhile, trust me). And, you can chhose a type of deck for a beatdown, such as, Dragon, Warrior, Fiend...the list goes on. 2. The Exodia Deck...or...F.I.N.A.L. Deck...many cards out there for this deck, but not as many as there are for other decks, but still very good (especially since back up soldier was taken off the restricted lists), and there are plenty of drawing cards to thin out this me! 3. The Burn Deck...what can I say? There are way too many magic, trap, and monster cards out there to list off what is good in this deck...let's just put it this brother has beaten me in 2 turns many, many, many times just by playing this deck! 4. The Clown Deck...or...Control Deck...or...Lockdown Deck...these deck types are meant to literally "control" your opponents deck and field...the clown deck wrecks the opponents monster advantage, the control deck wrecks the opponents deck and hand and field, and the lockdown decks are just the type of deck that makes your opponent "deck-out" usually you have cards to stop them from doing anything...and you have more than normal the amount of cards in the deck (my old lockdown had 60 cards and lost only once in a tourney and won 7 others!) 5. The Element Deck...these decks can be very fierce, water decks have there tornado wall to help them and many other great effects, fire has great brute force, earth is strong in attack and defence, wind can vary due to the cards you plan to use, dark is meant for pure strength and the odd distraction!, light is hard to has just as many cards as the others, but is somewhat harder to play right now, easier than the wind deck but harder than the rest. 6. The Fusion Deck...this deck is quite playable now, and few realize it...there are cards to give you the chance to use a monster quickly without doing the whole polymerization thing, there's the whole polymerization thing, there's filed magic to aid, and there are monsters to get back the material monsters needed for the like i said, very playable! and there are fusion monsters that even have some incedible effects, and there are magic cards and trap cards that can save and fusion no matter the situation (yes I know this is key for everydeck, but there are other tips that can be used that other decks can't). 7. The Sub-Type can range from dragons to fairies, to fish, it depends on what you want to be the judge, there are cards for every occasion, so try some out! There are many deck types out there that can work for anyone, but I find these to be the best possible decks that can be played right now...and for those of you who bash decks that right now may not work right now (such as Gate Guardian), but like a few posts have said previously, these decks just might be the best types decks to play later in the there are enough critics out there, there are enough whiners out there, and there are enough cards for eveyone to play with, so stop complaining, choose your deck and play on! remember there are things you can do and there are things you can't, so work with what you got, and if you need to complain, then I'm here, and let her rip!... any comments, rants, complaints, whatever you wanna me at... and just remember, there is nothing you can say to set me off about the game, i will just thow some advice about it for you to you!