From: by way of SolitaryMan [] Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 12:19 PM To: Subject: "Card Type Theories - Isiacc" (this isn't included, there is two of these emails i think, this is the right one though) ::::::::::::::::::::Card Type Theories:::::::::::::::::::::: Once in awhile I look at cards and I can connect them together piece by piece, what they represent or what different groups of cards mean. ++++(Zombies)+++++ Zombies when you think about it, are all into the hand/deck disruption. Their almost immune to it, for instance... Despair from the dark, fear from the dark, regenerating mummy, they come back when them type of cards are used against them. While vampire lord, vampire lady, decayed commander, zombie tiger, and spirit reaper cause it. Also there is the bone draining spirit tower, whenever a zmbbie is sepcial summoned it destroys two cards from your opponents deck. Spirit of Pharoah is nice for this since you can special summon the little zombie and him, that's 8 cards from your opponents deck. ++++(Spellcasters)++++ as their name implies, spellcaster cards have a lot to do with spell cards and the relationships between them. They use the most card combos and whatnot. Here are a few, skilled black magician, dark magician, magician of black chaos, dark magician girl, and magician of faith. There are so many things to do with these that involve spells. Dedication through light and darkness, jewel of the wise, dark magic attack. Magician of faith is the spellcaster to recyle the magic cards for the magcians so they can wield them. ++++(Fiend)++++ I'm pretty sure everyone knows what fiends are notorious for. Their deadly effect negation. Dark Ruler hades, Terro King Archfiend, Guardian baoul, they can all shut you out of the game and plunder your playing options. Hades gives all his fiendish allies negating effect, baoul is just himself stopping their effects and granting one other negation with his swords. Terrorking is leading all the archfiends, he attacks monsters first to stop their effects, then comes the reinforcement archfiends who can hardly be targted due to their effect negating abilites built into them. ++++(Machines)++++ machines, people might not notice, but the machine monsters together have the most powerullest effects built into them. If they work together in a deck they're almost impossible to defeat. Jinzo and Spellcanceller stop the spell and traps. Barrel and blowback dragon destroy your opponets monster or trap/magic with blowback. Relfect Bounder can wipe away your opponent or stall for your because they'd rather not loose their monster and take damage for it. the most scariest capability of a machine monster, is the ability to stack it's attack power with limiter removals. ++++(Fairies)++++ everyone has pretty much seen the capabilites of fairy mosnsters now due to sanctuary in the sky. Airknight Parshath packed a crucial effect, but now with the agents and archlord zarrato, things just gone a lot more dangerous. There effects vary, they mostly concentrate on increasing your lifepoints and doing some direct damage to your opponent. The best fairy healing monsters are Zolga, Guardian Angel Joan, (Absorbing Angel from the Sky Absorbing Sky Boy... something like that). There is also like spirit of the breeze, or dancing fairy. The direct damage ones are the ageent mercury and shinato. The equip card cestus of dagla too... that's the best equip to give to a fairy type monster, especially airknight parshath. that's all for now, email me and let me know what you think at until next time.... -Isiacc