This is ET and it's my 2nd post and its about the Gate Guardian >enjoy:) > >In the time of Metal Raiders, the strongest monster was the G.G(gate >guardian). we're talkin about a 3750 lvl 11 monster here. but sadly you needed to >offer 9 monsters to bring it out. it WAS unplayable back then but not now. i >figured out a way to "unleash the beast" with out going through that crap. > >Cards Needed: >suijin >kazejin >sanga of thunder >soul release or any cards that remove stuff from play >gate guardian >dimension fusion > >The strategy is to get the three pieces of the gate guardian out of play and >to the field using dimension fusion, then tributing them for the gate >guardian. i actually made a deck based around this strategy and it came out great. >also if you don't have the gate guardian in your hand, i THINK you can use >arsenal summoner to get it. it states that you can select one card with guardian in >its name from your deck to your hand . you can not select celtic guardian, >winged dragon guardian of the fortress(#1 and 2), guardian of the labrynth or the >reliable guardian. it doesnt state gate guardian. > email me at