Guardian Deck: Strategic and powerful? Or Bad and Completely Useless? - Karlie Hi, I'm Karl (My friends call me Karlie) anyhooo..... I currently have a sort of guardian deck...but is a guardian deck that good? when you think of it, you need the right equip cards to be on the field in order to special summon, normal summon or even flip summon the right monster. Sounds worthless right? BUT when you also look at the monsters effect, it really pays off to have that Guardian monster on the field. For example: You need Rod of Silence-Kay'est to be on the field to summon Guardian Kay'est. Rod of Silence-Kay'est increases a monsters defence by 500 points, and it also negates spell cards that is targeted to the monster that is equipped with Rod of Silence. It's completely pointless...until you summon Guardian Kay'est in defense mode. Guardian Kay'est is unaffected by Spell cards and cannot be attacked by any monsters. "So what?" you may be thinking...yes its weakness is that it can be targeted by flip effects eg. man eater bug, and trap cards eg. Skill Drain. BUT most decks these days run a Jinzo...So...when their Jinzo is on the field and you have a Guardian Kay'est on your side...well its almost pretty much invincible with the exception of flip effects. of course....There are cons to each Guardian card...the equip cards can be destroyed....all that can be taken care of the card named: "Fairy of the Spring"....if you don't know what it returns 1 equip spell from your graveyard back to your hand....but it cannot be activated during that turn. Guardian Elma is weak...and its effect is completely and utterly useless....but its equip card Butterfly Dagger-Elma is good (restricted). Guardian Tryce needs a sacrifice and its attack is 1900atk.Then there's my favourite out of all Guardian cards: Guardian Baou...800atk/400def but it can negate monsters effect eg. Man eater bug, hane hane, and any other flips that are annoying, and its attack rises by 1000 each time it destroys a monster and sends it to the graveyard. all you have to do is equip it with an axe of despair and malevolent nuzzler, back it up with a couple of quick play spell or traps, and then, you'll have a moster with an effect so good, you can almost never be beaten. So...What d'you think of Guardian Decks Now? Tips for my guardian deck or comments for my guardian tips Email them at: No Flames please...Have a nice day!