"Powerful and Interesting Combos 3 - Isiacc" Earthly Ideas..... Gear Golem the Moving Fortress + Decent Equip Cards If your opponent has monsters on the field, acitvate a scaepgoat or if you have monsters on your side of the field that are face up. Equip gear golem with united we stand for devastating lifepoint damage. United we stand is aso good too. Goblin Attack Force + Zero Gravity Pretty interesting combo here. On your opponents turn after your opponent summons his/her monsters assuming that your goblins will be regenerating, accelerate them with zero gravity. It forces them into attack position while switching your opponents monster to defense mode. Next turn your opponent will be screwed because he/she never never saw that comming. Pounce away with the goblins now. Catch the Glare...... Things to help a Reflect Bounder -fairy box -spirit of the silent -switch -raregold armor Fairy box will make your opponent's monster zero, so if they attack and the fairy box is succesful your opponent will be visited by at least 3000 damage. Spirit of the silent will be forcing another bigger badder monster to attack reflect causing 1 attack negation, direct damage to your opponent, and monster destruction in 1 turn. Switch will direct attacks to your reflect bounder for you. The rare gold armor is obvious, equip it to make your opponent only attack him, but becasreful for their weak monsters.... Fuse this and that............... Ancient Sanctuary is the set that helped the fusion by a crap load other than any other sets. The King of the Swamp monster card makes it so you can use it as a substitue for fusions, not only that but you can discard it to put polymerization from your deck to your hand. This is obviously useful for various tasks. Actually keeping a fusion monster on the field permanetely because you usely don't see it due to the magical scientist. Dark Paladin, Dark Baltor, Ryu Senshi, Thousnad Eyes Restrict, and Spirit Reaper, all easy due to the king of the swamp. It makes it that much easier to actually play fusions now without paying 1000 lifepoints to keep 1 on the field for about a minute. Dimension Gate works too, really well... just remove king of the swamp and the other monster from play and bam, then why not play a dimension fusion? Burning through the duel..... Solar Flare Dragons, 1500/1000 pyro monster. Has protection from attacks while other pyros are on the field with it. Meaning make a wall with two of them. They also do 500 damage to your opponent at the end of you turn. Use a back fire trap card too, maybe 2 or 3 of them. Equip these things with salamadras and uses some infernos. Throw ojamas on your opponent's side of the field, and watch your opponents lifepoints burn away. the dark room of nightmares is very useful here too. solar flare dragons just took pyro/direct damage decks up a notch. This has been Isiacc@comcast.net -Isiacc Look for my card theories in tips