Shinato's new best friend - zienkai
I was looking at a list of Ancient Sanctuary and one card caught my attention, Curse of Anubis. 
Card Text:
All face-up Effect Monsters on the field are changed to Defense Position. During the turn this card is activated, the original DEF of those Effect Monsters become 0 and their Battle Positions cannot be changed.
I read the card's effect and about a thousand evil ideas flashed in my head.  The best one I thought of was Shinato.  His effect is never well used (only does about 800-1200 with his effect).  Okay, first wait till your opponent has 3 or more monsters.  Defend yourself with Sanctuary in the Sky, Waboku, and other such implements.  When you have Shinato, the Ark, and enough sac monkeys, set the curse and spring it when you get a chance.  During your next turn, play Shinato and let him enjoy a ready supply of fresh meat.  Want to cause more damage?  Play Fairy Meteor Crush or Big Bang Shot, and you can do 4000+ damage to your opponents life points!  If you pulls this off, tell how it went.  Was the guy on the recieving end scared or just surprised?
