Ultimate Lockdown with Commons - Robert
Ultimate Lockdown With Commons
Idea by: Robert Sanders
Cards Required: 2x Ojama Trio; 1x Spatial Collapse; Direct attackers

 Now, this card will only work if your opponent's field is clear.  What you do is set down two Ojama Trios and the Spatial Collapse and a monster that can attack directly (like Nightmare Horse) or something that causes damage every turn (like Bowganian) and let your opponent take a turn.  On your opponent's turn, you activate the Spatial Collapse and the two Ojama Trio traps and your opponent cannot play anymore cards.  Why?  Because your opponent has five cards on the field.  After you have this done, do NOT destroy the tokens or else your opponent can destroy his tokens with Dark Hole and start playing cards again.  It is a difficult combo to pull, but if pulled then you just won.  Give it a shot.

 If you have any questions about this idea (or anything else in general) then blame it all on www.pojo.com.  KIDDING!!!  Any questions, e-mail me at Great Exodia@aol.com.  I may not be able to contact you immediately, but I will ASAP.  Thanx alot and happy dueling ^_^