Tips on being a respected duelist- Gamer_x09
 First, I would like to say that this article isntabout being a good duelist in the sense of learning to win alot, but it is about being a good duelist in the sense of being a NICE duelist.
 Second, I will tell you that I am writing this article for a good reason. At a tourney a few weeks ago, I was paired up against the RUDEST duelist I have ever faced. What was it  that made him ruderude, you ask? For one thing, he didnt treat me or my deck with respect (whenever I played a card he thought was crappy, he insulted me), he kept saying rude things during the duel to me (nothing vulgar, but things like "your so screwed" and stuff like that), and the worst thing: he acted like a total jackass (forgive me for cursing, but I had to use that word) when I told him one of the moves he did was incorrect. Even when I asked the judge and he ruled in my favor, he still claimed he was right. (By the way, the thing he claimed he was correct on was that you could special summon a CED from your GRAVEYARD by his effect).
 After dueling this guy, I was so aggrivated. I just wanted to give up going to that place. But I realize that just because one person was a total jerk to you doesnt mean that everyone is like that). So, I will tell you some things that I learned after that duel that you should NEVER do.
1. Whenever your opponent asked to shake your hand before the duel, ACCEPT it. It shows that you respect them and that you are a respectable duelist.
2. Allow your opponent to cut your deck when you shuffle it. It proves you are honest and dont use underhanded moves to win duels (In other words, you dont cheat).
3. Dont insult your opponent just because one of the cards they use may not be the best cards in the game. They may have an interesting combo with that card that might be cool.
4. If your opponent thinks you made an illegal move, dont just blow him off or start cursing him out. If you do, you could earn a bad rep. And dont blow off a JUDGES ruling too. That couldland you kicked out of the tournament.
5. After a duel, always say "good game", even if they lose miserably. They might respect you more, and they will continue to play the game.
You see, by doing these simple things, we can show the world that we duelists aren't rude jerks, but good people! And by doing this, the game of Yu-gi-oh! wont earn a bad rep.
I hope at least some of you took my tips to mind. If you have any comments, contact me at DO NOT send me hate mail. It is a waste of time to read and I will just end up blocking your adress (sorry to sound rude, but I hate hate mail).
Happy dueling!

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