kewl combos - chris hello all pojoers first let me say that pojo is my favorite website. now on to the combos here are some geart combos that are less than 5 cards and work very well. 1. servant of cabolosisam (or inaba white rabit) + begone kanive +ulimate offering so you sommon the 700 direct attacker of your choice and direct attack it comes back to your hand from begone kanive then do anothor normal sommon and attack again repeat you 8000-7500-7000-6500-6000-5500-5000-4500-4000-3500-3000-2500-2000 opponent 8000-7300-6600-5900-5200-4500-3800-3100-2400-1700-1000-300-0 so this combo will give you a one turn win as long as you have as least 6001 LP 2. stone statue of the aztecs + stauch defender + fariy box keep the statue in defence and when your opponent attacks you activate stauch defender to force your opponent to attack the stone statue with all his face up monsters now fariy box kicks in so if your opponent has 2 monsters ( he may need more if your not lucky ) you can win you 8000- opponent 8000-(opponent's monster attacks fariy box is succsesful)-4000-(opponent attacks again fariy box is succsesful)-0 3. red eyes + sumanded skull + polymresation + defusion (a black skull dragon in the fusion deck) or dark magician + buster blader + polymresation + defusion ( a dark paladan in the fusion deck) ok your probly like WTF well its quite simple u fuse them and the fusion attacks and in the battle phase you use defusion then attack with the fusion pieces its that simple version 1 you 8000 opponent 8000-4800-2400-0 version 2 you 8000 opponent 8000-5100-2500-0 anything comment tips hate mail or just want to tell me how bad my spelling is email me at