trade bazoo strength for life points
My combo is basically just a quick combo for some life points and can be used with and cards that remove cards from play ex. bannisher of the light, lesser fiend etc. First try to get your graveyard loaded up with monsters. Or this combo will work if you just get it in the middle or end of the duel. Activate Soul Absorption which allows you to gain 500 life points each time a monster is removed from play. Summon Bazoo the soul eater and just remove three monsters. Every turn that is 1500 life points. Another good monster for this is D.D. scout plane. He is summoned and most likely destroyed since he is weak. So he keeps coming back for Bazoo and more life points for you. If your opponent  starts to not destroy D.D scout plane you can use him as a cost card. Whenever you need something to destroy you can destroy D.D. Scout plane.
