A very long rant - by Exploding Pidgeons Okay everybody.....I've been reading a lot of the Top 10 Lists and Articles lately, and there are a lot of things I have to say about them. First off, I see a couple Tips about the supposed Ban List that's going to happen. Notice I said "supposed". There's NO---I repeat,---NO guarantee that the Ban List will take place in America.....EVER! That's not to say it wont happen, but for those of you that are trying to sell your Raigeki and Duster because "Konami's going to Ban them", stop! At least wait until Konami officially announces it, if they ever do. And here's another thing about the Ban List, everybody: It's not going to change gameplay all that much. I see a lot of people saying it's going to stop the reign of Beat-Down decks. No it's not!! If anything it'll make Beat-Down's even stronger. Raigeki and Duster are gone, yes, but that weakens EVERY deck, not just Beat-Down. And here's another thing: Yata-Garasu decks will be dead, and Chaos and Exodia will be slowed down because Painful Choice is gone. And did I mention there's NO reason to Ban Injection Fairy Lily?! Come on, people. Does anyone even run that card anymore? Yeah, yeah, Injection + Life Absorbing Machine = Good, but nobody's going to waste 2 precious slots in their Deck just to run a combo that ends up hurting you anyway! Grrrr, and what about all this "Beat-Down sucks because it's not original" crap I keep hearing about??! "Oh, Pidgeons, all you have to do to run Beat-Downs is put in a bunch of high-ATK monsters and a bunch of Equips and you're done!" Listen, you silly people. Beat-Downs have strategy to them, too. You dont just throw in a bunch of high-ATK monsters! And hardly any Beat-Downs use Equips anymore. Well, there's the occasional United We Stand, but most Beat-Downs use Breaker, TIV, Marauding, Reflect Bounder, blah blah blah instead of 3 Goblin Attack Force and 3 Gemini Elf like the stereotypical Beat-Down SUPPOSEDLY runs. GAAH! And if that's true, then NO deck is original, by that flawed logic! I mean, hey! For Umi decks all you hafta do is throw in a bunch of cards that support Umi! Legendary Fisherman, Maiden of the Aqua, Legendary Ocean, Orca, Levia-Dragon and voila, it's an Umi deck!! And keep in mind that Umi Decks are supposedly the most "creative" and "original" deck ideas out there. Please, you people......And I also saw somewhere on Pojo someone saying that Skull Servant is the most overrated card in the game. -_- Erm......*cough* Not true */cough* Anyway, on with my rant about confusing Konami and UDE......Listen! Stop blaming Upper Deck for KONAMI'S decisions!! Banning the cards was KONAMI'S decision, not Upper Deck's!! Releasing the Winged Dragon of Ra as a Promo, *puke*, was KONAMI'S decision, not Upper Deck's! Naming Dark Triceratops "Dark Driceratops" (which, by the way, is NOT a real dinosaur!) was KONAMI'S decision, not Upper Decks. Naming cards "Really Eternal Rest", "Obnoxious Celtic Guardian", and "Jinzo" was KONAMI'S doing, not Upper Decks. Get it right, everyone! And hey! What about the God cards?! Why were they even created!! Now we have little 10-year-olds running around with Obelisk the Tormentor in their decks thinking that you can actually play them in tournaments. I can't tell you how many times I've had to deal with a little kid using Ra in their Deck illegally in an officially sanctioned tournament! Argh!! And then we also have the little kids who stack Exodia on top of their Deck! I went to a League once and there was this little 7-year-old who wanted to Duel me. I politely declined, but he insisted. I said "Fine then". First move he draws Exodia and wins because I didnt think to cut his deck. On top of that, they were fake! I know they're little kids, but come on!! Oh, and I forgot to mention all the people who think just because they have a Jinzo in their deck their deck is good. Supposedly at this League I used to go to, (before they kicked me out because I was framed for shoplifting.....It's a long story.) there was this kid mopping the floor with everyone with his Jinzo. I challenged him and he arrogantly said "You'd lose!" without even taking a look at my Deck, and went on. Bet I could've whooped him, though.... Oh, and here's another thing I dont like: The TV Show!! Kaiba makes me so angry sometimes just because he's so cocky. Wish I could duel him to shut him up. I know a bunch of people like him, too. AND---AND, it's the TV Show's fault that we have all these little kids running around with God cards. And hey! Another thing I dont like: The Promo cards! When is Konami going to release Exarion Universe? Death Vorstgalf? Gilford the Lightning? Beast of Gilfar (otherwise known as "Archfiend Gilfar"....*throws up*)?! Heck, where's this Blue Eyes Shining Dragon I keep hearing about?! Mystical Beast Serket, anyone?! Marshmellow?! Instead we get all these Promos that nobody really cares about like Sebek's Blessing and Seal of the Ancients and Windstorm of Etaqua. Grrrrrr. Okay, I'm almost done, but here's one thing more: Why does AST suck so much? We have all those weenie Zombie and Fiend monsters, but the only monsters that are actually GOOD are End of Anubis, Curse of Anubis, Legacy Hunter and Double Coston. Grrr. Cant wait until SOD comes out and we can play with Horus Dragons...... I'm done. Hope someone out there agrees with me!! My E-mail is at the bottom. ~Exploding Pidgeons~ E-mail: explodingpidgeons@juno.com ________________________________________________________________