Yu gi oh almighty deck idea
    Hello everybody this is Tom Bree and I'm here to introduce the insect deck so hold on!
Ok I'm sure at one point or another you've taken into consideration building an insect deck but decided against it. Well I would dramatically reconsider if i was you. An insect deck can be very beneficial when your objective is to stall your opponent from attacking and go in for the kill. Think about it! You've got great cards like insect princess, parasite paracide, 4 starred ladybug of doom, insect imitation, insect barrier, skull mark ladybug, pinch hopper, jade insect whistle, and last but certaintly not least the soon to come insect queen.
With all these incredibly cool monsters this deck type is just begging to be abused. Not to mention all the things you can do to torture your opponent. Let's see you could insert your parasite paracide into your opponents deck and then use dark designator making them draw any card you select which would be the parasite paracide then all of their monsters on the field would be insects. After doing that you could activate insect barrier not allowing his monsters to attack. Next turn bring out your pinch hopper and discard it to the graveyard to activate its effect allowing you to special summon any insect in your hand! And whallah you've got yourself a very up and coming victory!
Hope you liked the tip!
Tom bree