Kaiba Starter Deck - SPOILER - LIST
SDK-001 | 89631139 | Blue-Eyes White Dragon | Dragon | LIGHT | 8 | 3000 | 2500 | This legendary dragon is a powerful engine of destruction. Virtually invincible, very few have faced this awesome creature and lived to tell the tale. | Ultra Rare Card | |
SDK-002 | 76184692 | Hitotsu-Me Giant | Beast-Warrior | EARTH | 4 | 1200 | 1000 | A one-eyed behemoth with thick, powerful arms made for delivering punishing blows. | ||
SDK-003 | 15303296 | Ryu-Kishin | Fiend | DARK | 3 | 1000 | 500 | A very elusive creature that looks like a harmless statue until it attacks. | ||
SDK-004 | 06285791 | The Wicked Worm Beast | Beast/Effect | EARTH | 3 | 1400 | 700 | This card is returned to your hand at the end of your turn. | ||
SDK-005 | 05053103 | Battle Ox | Beast-Warrior | EARTH | 4 | 1700 | 1000 | A monster with tremendous power, it destroys enemies with a swing of its axe. | ||
SDK-006 | 67724379 | Koumori Dragon | Dragon | DARK | 4 | 1500 | 1200 | A vicious, fire-breathing dragon whose wicked flame corrupts the souls of its victims. | ||
SDK-007 | 30113682 | Judge Man | Warrior | EARTH | 6 | 2200 | 1500 | This club-wielding warrior battles to the end and will never surrender. | ||
SDK-008 | 91939608 | Rogue Doll | Spellcaster | LIGHT | 4 | 1600 | 1000 | A deadly doll gifted with mystical power, it is particularly powerful when attacking against dark forces. | ||
SDK-009 | 01184620 | Kojikocy | Warrior | EARTH | 4 | 1500 | 1200 | A man-hunter with powerful arms that can crush boulders. | ||
SDK-010 | 01784619 | Uraby | Dinosaur | EARTH | 4 | 1500 | 800 | Fast on its feet, this dinosaur rips enemies to shreds with its sharp claws. | ||
SDK-011 | 31122090 | Gyakutenno Megami | Fairy | LIGHT | 6 | 1800 | 2000 | This fairy uses her mystical power to protect the weak and provide spiritual support. | ||
SDK-012 | 68516705 | Mystic Horseman | Beast | EARTH | 4 | 1300 | 1550 | Half man and half horse, this monster is known for its extreme speed. | ||
SDK-013 | 63308047 | Terra the Terrible | Fiend | DARK | 4 | 1200 | 1300 | Known as a swamp dweller, this creature is a minion of the dark forces. | ||
SDK-014 | 89494469 | Dark Titan of Terror | Fiend | DARK | 4 | 1300 | 1100 | A fiend said to dwell in the world of dreams, it attacks enemies in their sleep. | ||
SDK-015 | 41949033 | Dark Assassin | Zombie | DARK | 4 | 1200 | 1200 | Armed with the Psycho Sword, this sinister assassin rules the bad land. | ||
SDK-016 | 75499502 | Master & Expert | Beast | EARTH | 4 | 1200 | 1000 | A deadly duo consisting of a beast master and its loyal servant. | ||
SDK-017 | 97360116 | Unknown Warrior of Fiend | Warrior | DARK | 3 | 1000 | 500 | The speed of this warrior creates an intense vacuum that can slice through a monster's hide. | ||
SDK-018 | 47060154 | Mystic Clown | Fiend | DARK | 4 | 1500 | 1000 | Nothing can stop the mad attack of this powerful creature. | ||
SDK-019 | 45121025 | Ogre of the Black Shadow | Beast-Warrior | EARTH | 4 | 1200 | 1400 | An ogre possessed by the powers of the dark. Few can withstand its rapid charge. | ||
SDK-020 | 04614116 | Dark Energy | Magic Card | MAGIC | EQUIP | A Fiend-Type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points. | ||||
SDK-021 | 98374133 | Invigoration | Magic Card | MAGIC | EQUIP | An EARTH monster equipped with this card increases its ATK by 400 points and decreases its DEF by 200 points. | ||||
SDK-022 | 53129443 | Dark Hole | Magic Card | MAGIC | Destroys all monsters on the field. | |||||
SDK-023 | 19523799 | Ookazi | Magic Card | MAGIC | Inflict 800 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. | |||||
SDK-024 | 24611934 | Ryu-Kishin Powered | Fiend | DARK | 4 | 1600 | 1200 | A gargoyle enhanced by the powers of darkness. Very sharp talons make it a worthy opponent. | ||
SDK-025 | 50005633 | Swordstalker | Warrior | DARK | 6 | 2000 | 1600 | A monster formed by the vengeful souls of those who passed away in battle. | ||
SDK-026 | 97590747 | La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp | Fiend | DARK | 4 | 1800 | 1000 | A genie of the lamp that's at the beck and call of its master. | ||
SDK-027 | 26378150 | Rude Kaiser | BeastーWarrior | EARTH | 5 | 1800 | 1600 | With an axe in each hand, this monster delivers heavy damage. | ||
SDK-028 | 73481154 | Destroyer Golem | Rock | EARTH | 4 | 1500 | 1000 | A golem with a massive right hand for crushing its victims. | ||
SDK-029 | 10202894 | Skull Red Bird | Winged Beast | WIND | 4 | 1550 | 1200 | This monster swoops down and attacks with a rain of knives stored in its wings. | ||
SDK-030 | 81057959 | D. Human | Warrior | EARTH | 4 | 1300 | 1100 | Gifted with the power of dragons, this warrior wields a sword created from a dragon's fang. | ||
SDK-031 | 21263083 | Pale Beast | Beast | EARTH | 4 | 1500 | 1200 | With skin tinged a bluish-white, this strange creature is a fearsome sight to behold. | ||
SDK-032 | 66788016 | Fissure | Magic Card | MAGIC | Destroys 1 face-up monster with the lowest ATK. | |||||
SDK-033 | 04206964 | Trap Hole | Trap Card | TRAP | If the ATK of a monster summoned by your opponent (excluding Special Summon) is 1000 points or more, the monster is destroyed. | |||||
SDK-034 | 83887306 | Two-Pronged Attack | Trap Card | TRAP | Select and destroy 2 of your monsters and 1 of your opponent's monsters. | |||||
SDK-035 | 19159413 | De-Spell | Magic Card | MAGIC | Destroys 1 Magic Card on the field. If this card's target is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Magic Card, it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated. | |||||
SDK-036 | 83764718 | Monster Reborn | Magic Card | MAGIC | Select 1 Monster Card from either your opponent's or your own Graveyard and place it on the field under your control in Attack or Defense Position (face-up). This is considered a Special Summon. | |||||
SDK-037 | 81820689 | The Inexperienced Spy | Magic Card | MAGIC | Select and see 1card in your opponent's hand. | |||||
SDK-038 | 17814387 | Reinforcements | Trap Card | TRAP | Increase a selected monster's ATK by 500 points during the turn this card is activated. | |||||
SDK-039 | 17092736 | Ancient Telescope | Magic Card | MAGIC | See the top 5 cards of your opponent's Deck. Return the cards to the Deck in the same order. | |||||
SDK-040 | 24068492 | Just Desserts | Trap Card | TRAP | Inflict 500 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points for each monster your opponent has on the field. | |||||
SDK-041 | 17985575 | Lord of D. | Spellcaster/Effect | DARK | 4 | 1200 | 1100 | All Dragon-Type monsters are not affected by Magic Cards, Trap Cards, or other effects while this card is face-up on the field. | Super Rare Card | |
SDK-042 | 43973174 | The Flute of Summoning Dragon | Magic Card | MAGIC | Playing this card when you have a Lord of D. card face-up on the field allows you to play up to two Dragon-Type cards from your hand as a Special Summon. | Super Rare Card | ||||
SDK-043 | 54098121 | Mysterious Puppeteer | Warrior/Effect | EARTH | 4 | 1000 | 1500 | When the monster is summoned (excluding Special Summon) or flipped face-up by attack or some effect, the Life Points of this card's owner increase by 500 points for each monster while this card is face-up on the field. | ||
SDK-044 | 46461247 | Trap Master | Warrior/Effect | EARTH | 3 | 500 | 1100 | FLIP: Destroys 1 Trap Card on the field. If this card's target is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Trap Card, it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated. | ||
SDK-045 | 86318356 | Sogen | Magic Card | MAGIC | FIELD | Increases the ATK and DEF of all Beast-Warrior and Warrior-Type monsters by 200 points. | ||||
SDK-046 | 07089711 | Hane-Hane | Beast/Effect | EARTH | 2 | 450 | 500 | FLIP: Select 1 Monster Card on the field (regardless of position) and return it to its owner's hand. | ||
SDK-047 | 77622396 | Reverse Trap | Trap Card | TRAP | All increases and decreases to ATK and DEF are reversed for the turn in which this card is activated. | |||||
SDK-048 | 51482758 | Remove Trap | Magic Card | MAGIC | Destroys 1 face-up Trap Card on the field. | |||||
SDK-049 | 44209392 | Castle Walls | Trap Card | TRAP | Increase a selected monster's DEF by 500 points during the turn this card is activated. | |||||
SDK-050 | 80604091 | Ultimate Offering | Trap Card | TRAP | CONTINUOUS | At the cost of 500 Life Points per monster, a player is allowed an extra Normal Summon, Tribute Summon, or Set. |