Yu Yu Hakusho
Episode Summaries
Episode 1: Surprised to be Dead
#1 Surprised to be Dead
Yusuke Urameshi, the main character of Yu Yu Hakusho, dies after getting hit by
a car. He sees his body on the ground where an ambulance is parked. Not
noticing he was a ghost, his natural toughguyness caused him to punch the
medical assistant. Yusuke fist goes right through the neck. Yusuke reviews
what he did that. After skipping ten days of school he comes back only to get
kicked out. He was playing with this little kid and his ball when the kid
wandered onto the street and Yusuke saved him by pushing the kid out of the
way. Soon, Botan or the Grim Reaper arrives to tell Yusuke that he is a
ghost. She tells him that his death was not planed and the little kid would
have survived anyway because the driver would have veered to the
right. She tells Yusuke since his death was not planed he may take a test to
come back to the living world. He decides not to. He than goes to his mourning
place where he sees many people mourn for including his rival, Kazuma Kuwabara,
his childhood friend. Kayko Yukimura (Keiko), and his Principal, Mr.Takanaka. After
seeing his friends mourn he decides to take the test and the ending music
begins. Son of Gun!!!!! For more information read Shonen Jump comics or just
watch the show.