Yu Yu Hakusho
Episode Summaries
Episode 12: Rando Rises, Kuwabara Falls
Episode 12: Rando Rises;
Kuwabara Falls
The show starts out Genkai announcing the match between Kuwabara and
Shorin and Yusuke telling Kuwabara to back down. Kuwabara starts out strong with
Shorin not being able to hit him very hard. Meanwhile, Boton and Yusuke remark
on how weak Shorin is and wonder if he's been hiding but not as a fighter. Then
Kuwabara asks Shorin if that's all he has and Shorin says no as he has to try a
couple techniques. He uses the Circles of Inferno which do hit Kuwabara (albiet
barely) and then he summons his Spirit Sword to use as a bat against the next
barrage of fireballs. He hits one back at Shorin which hammers him pretty badly
and Shorin marvels at how he used his own attack against him twice. Shorin then
does a chant to make Kuwabara small and proceeds to shatter his bones in his arm
and ribs. Genkai calls the match and Shorin throws him at Yusuke. Shorin returns
him to his regular size and Yusuke has some words with Kuwabara to make sure
he's ok (well if you consider the fact his bones were shattered and on the verge
of death ok then he would be). Genkai announces the final match between Yusuke
and Shorin. Yusuke tell s Shorin he's a Spirit Detective and Shorin is unfazed.
That is, until Yusuke punches him in the face and he begins to pummel Shorin
while Shorin is amazed that he's this strong. Then he uses an attack that sucks
out air from cuts in the body and with the battle scars Yusuke had, it would
hurt alot. He gets flattened by the first wave but gets up and flies through all
the tornado and drives Shorin to the ground. Yusuke walks over to Genkai to
claim his prize when Genkai says that the fights not over. and Shorin transforms
into Rando.
- Cloud(Strife)
Yusuke, Kuwabara, and young Shorin are the only
fighters left. Yusuke and Botan can't believe that Shorin is really
Rando. Shorin has to fight Kuwabara, and Kuwabara thinks he will win easily. I
don't remember really well, but basically the fight is Shorin using an attack
that Genkai says was only used by an ancient fighter. He throws fireballs and
Kuwabara hits them with his Spirit sword like a baseball bat. Shorin then
shrinks Kuwabara and beats him up and breaks his bones. Yusuke is sure he is
The next match begins and Yusuke starts to beat up Shorin. Shorin gets
upset and uses an attack that makes air come out of cuts. Yusuke has battle
scars and so it hurts a lot. He survives and pummels Shorin. Yusuke is about
to claim his prize when Genkai says the fight isn't over. Shorin turns into
Wielder of The Jagan (Matt)