Yu Yu Hakusho
Episode Summaries
Episode 29: Flowers of Blood
Episode 29: Yusuke's Sacrifice
repetitively smashes Kuwabara into the arena floor. Hiei begins to doubt
Kuwabara and his training but Kurama reassures Hiei that Kuwabara still has a
few aces up his sleeve. Rinku begins to feel lazy and thinks of an idea to
finish Kuwabara off without lifting a finger, he summons up his spirit energy
and cycles it throughout his Serpent Yo-Yo's lifting Kuwabara off the ground and
into the sky. Shizuru doesn't seem to worry one bit for her brother's safety
while Kayko yells at Yusuke to wake up and help Kuwabara. Koenma tells Ogre to
help the girls and make sure they stay safe. Ogre asks why doesn't Koenma do the
same thing and Koenma said that he is the owner of the team and he has to watch
the fights. A large, oafish demon then appears in front of Kayko and says
Yusuke's finished. Kayko tells the demon otherwise, saying that Yusuke has
beaten creatures 100 times stronger than his. The large demon charges Kayko and
Kayko pretty much cowers while Shizuru sticks her lit cigarette on the demon's
tongue. Koto tells Rinku to ask the fans what they want. He does and they said
that they want to see Kuwabara drop. Rinku says he has to do what the fans want
and pulls the yo-yo's down. The yo-yo's do release from Kuwabara though,
allowing him to use his hands. Kuwabara summons his Spirit Sword to grow and he
uses the sword as a backward bungee cord, breaking his fall. He hurls himself
toward Rinku through the air and Rinku prepares to throw his Serpent Yo-Yo's at
Kuwabara again. Kuwabara pulls out another Spirit Sword and Rinku tells him its
useless. Kuwabara has a new trick though and that is the fact that he can make
his Spirit Sword bend. Kuwabara has been hit with the yo-yo's and Kuwabara hit
Rinku with the Sword and they both land out of the ring. Koto starts the count
and at 5 Rinku manages to get up and get back into the ring. Yusuke insults
Kuwabara calling him stupid and Kuwabara gets up at the 6 count. He storms over
to where Yusuke is supposedly sleeping and he starts yelling at him. Koto gets
pretty impatient by the 8 count and Kuwabara starts to get back in the ring.
Rinku stops him though because he doesn't want to fight anymore by summoning his
yo-yo's again and tying Kuwabara up. Kuwabara can't move and falls back outside
the ring. Koto reaches the 10 count and Rinku is pronounced the winner. Rinku
does seem to be very hurt though and goes over to a corner to heal himself. Roto
of Team Rokuyukai is angry though, because Rinku didn't get the kill. Roto steps
into the ring and Kurama anxiously steps up as well. Hiei tells Kurama that
their team couldn't afford another loss and to kill his competitor. Botan
finally gets down to the ringside and steps in as team trainer. Kuwabara wants
her to heal his wounds but Botan is more concerned about Yusuke waking up so she
slaps his around a little bit. Back to the fight, Kuwabara wonders how Kurama
stores his Rose Whip and Hiei tells him that Kurama keeps a single rose with him
and when he must use it, Kurama manipulates the rose into becoming the Rose
Whip. Roto makes a sword out of his hand and starts slicing at Kurama. Kurama
easily dodges the strikes until Roto calls him Suichi, Kurama's human name. Roto
pulls out a button saying that one press of the button will signal his demon
brother who has been stalking Kurama's human mother to kill her. Roto starts
punching Kurama in the face while Kurama throws a pebble at Roto's face. Roto
gets angered and tells Kurama to fold his hands behind his back. Roto kicks
Kurama in the stomach and begins to punch him. Roto once again unleashes his
sword and cuts Kurama's face. Roto now wants Kurama to lick the scum off his
boot and tells him after that he will kill him and spare his mother. Kurama
disagrees and tells Roto to press the button. Just as he is about to, Kurama
paralyzes Roto and snatches the button away from his hand. Kurama told Roto that
he had sown the Seed of the Death Plant in his body while he threw the pebble as
a distraction. Kurama said it was risky to put all his hopes into one threat
because he may not even care for his mother or he could just make him immobile.
Roto asks Kurama for mercy and asks even if he believes in mercy. Kurama said no
and the Death Plant sprung out of Roto's whole body. Kurama stated that it was
irony for such a beautiful plant to have sprung from such an ugly soil. Hiei
told Kurama that Roto's demon brother vanished the moment Roto died. The score
was now tied at 1 to 1 and Zeru was getting pretty mad with a blazing red aura
surrounding him.
- MysticGohan763
As Kuwabara fights Rinku,Rinku drops Kuwabara from the sky[Rinku has has his
yo-yo tangled around Kuwabara.Then Kuwabara uses his Spirit Sword to break his
fall.Kuwabara then goes flying at Rinku.Kuwabara hit Rinku with his Spirit Sword
but got hit by Rinku and they land outside of the ring.Kuwabara loses after he
stays out of the ring for more than ten seconds.Then Botan says that she is
going to help the Urameshi team stay in shape.Then she tries to wake up Yusuke
by slapping him but Hiei says it is no use trying to wake up Yusuke. Then she
gets Yusuke out of the way so he does not get hurt.Then Kurama verus Roto. Roto
starts the march with a few slashes from his sword that came out of his
hand.Then Roto manages to slash Kurama when Roto calls Kurama by his human
name,Suichi.Roto tells Kurama that his brother wants to bite Kurama's mom's head
off and Roto has a switch that will signal his brother to.Kurama has to do what
Roto says or his mother will die.First Roto tells Kurama not to fight back.Roto
starts to beat up Kurama.Then Kurama throws a pebble at Roto.Then Roto cuts
Kurama's face.Kurama then tells Roto that he implanted a death seed inside of
him.Kurama used the pebble as a destraction so Roto would not notice the death
seed.Then flowers grew out of Roto.The flowers kill Roto.Hiei tells Kurama that
Roto's brother fanished when Roto died.