Yu Yu Hakusho
Episode Summaries
Episode 36: Ambition Destroyed: A Trial of Light
Episode 36: Ambition Destroyed: A Trial
of Light
The masked fighter stops Yusuke from using his Spirit Gun, and tells him she'll
do it herself. She starts chanting in a strange tongue, and then seems to
paralyze the warriors in their tracks. She stabs them each in the heart with her
finger, and then stops, and they fall to the ground, presumably dead. Kuwabara
and Yusuke are both shocked at her methods, but she assures them that it was all
that she could have done.
With that done, the Urameshi Team confronts Ichigaki himself. The coward still
tries to weasel himself out, saying that their master is still sick, and only he
has the cure. Hiei and Kurama prove him wrong, however, when the master of the
dojo appears from the hallway, standing, although a bit weak. Hiei says that
after beating up Ichigaki's fifth fighter, they found the whereabouts of the
master, and Kurama easily created a cure for the minor illness. With no other
way out, Ichigaki injects himself with a strange serum, morphing him into a
huge, hulking beast with stretchable arms. He attacks them all, and when Hiei
steps up to finish him off, Yusuke insists that he be the one to take him. He
gives Ichigaki a ruthless beating, yelling at him the whole time, and eventually
gives him a supercharged uppercut straight into the stands. With the Ichigaki
Team dissolved, the Urameshi Team has won their second round.
The win is short-lived, however, since Yusuke and Kuwabara are still depressed
about the death of the innocent fighters. The masked fighter tells them to look
again, and the three fighters get up. She tells them that she used the "Spirit
Wave" technique, a technique that uses an opponent's spirit energy against him.
If their true heart is evil, then their spirit energy will destroy them, but if
it is truly good, then they won't die. Yusuke and Kuwabara are thrilled to know
that no innocent lives were lost. The fighters are re-united with their master,
and all seems well.
Suddenly, the voice of the committee blares out through the arena, stating that
the next match will begin immediately. . .and Team Urameshi will be fighting it!
Everyone is in shock that they're being forced to fight two matches back to
back, especially when everyone is still in bad condition.
The next team appears, five fighters in dark black cloaks.
- Raiun Juuryoku