Yu Yu Hakusho
Episode Summaries
Episode 44: Yusuke's Final Test
Episode 44: Yusuke's Final Test
Genkai tells Yusuke that his test is to kill her. Yusuke starts to question
Genkai. Genkai tells Yusuke that she will meet him at a cave. When Yusuke is
about to go inside the cave, Yusuke starts to think about what Genkai did for
him. Meanwhile Kurama and Kuwabara are playing cards. Then Botan, Yukina, Keiko,
and Shizuru walk in the room. Keiko asks Kurama where Yusuke is since Puu [the
Spirit Beast] is acting funny. Then they all play cards expect Hiei. Meanwhile
Yusuke tells Genkai that he can not kill her. Then Yusuke tells her why. Genkai
starts to giggle because she is still giving Yusuke the test since Genkai said
that she would not give her power to someone who would kill her for more power.
Then Genkai explains the test to Yusuke and shows him the source of her power
"Spirit Wave Orb. Yusuke has to absorb it but it could also kill him. When
Yusuke puts it in his body he starts to have cuts and he starts to bleed.
Meanwhile everyone else is getting ready for the semi-finals. There is also one
new referee. Her name is Juri. Koto has been moved to a broadcasting booth.
Koenma and Blue Ogre complain that the new stadium is bad. Yusuke's team is
outnumbered since Yusuke and Genkai are not there. Meanwhile Yusuke is
struggling on Genkai's test. Then the two teams decide how the pairings will be
by rolling a die. Hiei is fighting first against Makintaro. Hiei beats Makintaro
easily by putting his sword through his skull.
-Mark Lee