Yu Yu Hakusho
Episode Summaries
Episode 52: The Death of Genkai
Episode 52- The Death of Genkai (Genkai Disperses!
50 Years' Conclusion!)
The episode opens with a shot of Toguro and Genkai, facing each other. Genkai
asks Toguro why he invited her to the Dark Tournament, and Toguro replies that
he wanted her to see the truth about the cruelty of time. The next scene is of
Kuwabara's trying to find Yusuke (he had run off in the previous episode). He
encounters his sister, Botan, Keiko, and Yukina, and asks whether they had seen
Yusuke. They hadn't. Immediately thereafter, we see a shot of Yusuke, running
through a forest. He senses Toguro's power.
The episode cuts back to Genkai and Toguro. Genkai confirms that she has passed
Rei Kou Hadoken (Spirit Wave) onto Yusuke, and Toguro says that because of that,
there is no further need for Genkai. He plans to kill her.
Next is a flashback of Toguro and Genkai's younger days. It shows their
defeating a team of demons rather effortlessly, and then their conversation in a
boat. Toguro reveals that he is not scared of the fact that stronger opponent's
will challenge them, but rather that they will come when he is too old and weak
to fight. He tells Genkai that his greatest desire is a never-aging body.
He transforms to 45% of his total power, and charges at Genkai, who holds her
ground, remembering that she only has enough energy to fire 3 more blasts of
Rei-Gan (Spirit Gun).
She charges as well, jumping into the air and crashing into Toguro, firing a
blast into his arm. Toguro makes a grab, which Genkai narrowly avoids. She flies
backward and lands, panting.
Toguro drops a bloody piece of Genkai's tunic to the ground and reveals that he
was trying to rip her heart out. He then says that 45% of his power is insulting
to Genkai; he's going to let her see 80% of his strength.
Hiei, Kurama, and Kuwabara all sense the energy, wondering what could be causing
it. Toguro tells Genkai that she is the fourth person to ever see him use that
much power, but that she won't count for long. He fires an energy blast, which
Genkai dodges. Toguro charges forward and punches the ground, creating an
enormous crater (Genkai leapt into the air just in time). She lands on a
stray rock that was thrown up by Toguro's punch, and fires another Rei-Gan.
Toguro catches the blast with one arm and holds it back until it dissipates.
Genkai lands, shocked. Toguro asks if that's the best Genkai can do, and he then
says he should have killed her back when she was at full power, at the
tournament. Toguro says that the person he is facing is not Genkai at all, but
rather just a body of skin and bones. Genkai replies that she is indeed Genkai,
and asks Toguro whether he thinks he can really kill her. Toguro says he doesn't
know, but he'll try.
Toguro starts running for Genkai, and she realizes that Toguro's power is
completely different from the way it once was. She says that she is not scared
to die, but she wants to make Toguro remember who he once was before she goes.
As she says these things, she transforms back into her younger state, and she
fires one final Rei-Gan with all her strength. Toguro punches straight through
it...and Genkai.
Yusuke arrives at the scene to see his mentor, dying. He runs over to her and
says that Kurama will heal her. She says it is too late for her, and she warns
Yusuke not to do what Toguro did: forsaking friends for power. She remembers how
she was invited to the tournament and refused (though you can't refuse, she had
won the tournament many years ago, and the wish she asked for was to never be
invited again). The messengers told her that Yusuke will be participating,
however, so she changed her mind. Back in the present, she dies.
Toguro says that if Yusuke had been born earlier, the whole thing could have
been averted. He also says that Genkai chose the wrong path in life, the path
that leads to death as opposed to power. Yusuke warns Toguro to shut up. Toguro
says that Genkai is just a decaying dog. This sets Yusuke off, and Yusuke
charges Toguro, blind with rage. He punches him, but Toguro catches the punch.
However...it throws him off balance. Toguro counters, though, and punches Yusuke
in the face, sending him flying through many trees until he finally lands
against a stronger one. Toguro says that was a good punch, looking at his hand
(which is badly injured) and is happy that he will get to use 100% of his power
in a fight with Yusuke.
Yusuke reminisces about his training with Genkai, and then sees a vision of her,
a vision that tells him not to lose. He stands up and punches the tree until it
collapses, and he vows not to forgive Toguro.
-Jason Cohen