Crystron Cluster – #SUDA-EN080
“Crystron” cards you control cannot be banished by your opponent’s card effects. You can target 1 face-up card on the field, or you can target 2 if you control a “Crystron” Synchro Monster; shuffle 1 “Crystron” card from your GY or banishment into the Deck, except “Crystron Cluster”, and if you do, destroy the targeted card(s). You can only use this effect of “Crystron Cluster” once per turn.
Date Reviewed: March 19th, 2025
Rating: 3.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale. 1 is awful. 3 is average. 5 is excellent.
Reviews Below:

King of
Hello Pojo Fans,
Crystron Cluster is the Trap Card that I referenced yesterday and is the first Continuous Trap in the archetype.
Offering banish protection from opponent card effects. Five of the nine possible Main Deck Crystron monsters have banish effects, as well as Spell/Trap Cards like Crystron Inclusion, Entry, and Impact. To put it simply: you need to be able to banish your Crystron cards to further your advantage on the field. It would have been even more helpful for Cluster to have a provision in it that allowed you to activate this from hand at the cost of half your LP or something to ward off stuff like Lancea, but balance is balance.
It wouldn’t be a Crystron card if it didn’t have a destruction effect that involved other cards. You can destroy up to two cards (if you have a Crystron Synchro Monster on field) to cycle back a Crystron card in your grave or banished area. Opponent interaction is incredibly important and Crystron needed something like this. You will always have a Crystron Synchro Monster on the field so you should get a double pop and cycle-back from grave or banished area with Cluster. You can also pop your own Crystron card(s) if you were in a position to plus without putting yourself at risk. Sadly, the smaller Synchro Crystron Monsters don’t allow you to reborn a Crystron Synchro Monster when they are destroyed by card effect which would have been handy. Also, the only Main Deck Crystron that will benefit from destruction is Sulfefnir, but others will give you banish effects in the graveyard, so it isn’t all bad. You are likely using this exclusively to take away opponent resources to get a Crystron back, but it does give you some flexibility to also force destruction or put something in your grave for banishing.
Solid Continuous Trap. It protects the archetype from the biggest thing that will cripple their strategy, while also giving them an interaction ability each turn with the opponent. Keep a Crystron Synchro Monster on the field so you can keep popping two of your opponent’s cards to get back a Crystron for yourself. Cycle back the Synchro Monsters in your grave so your Crystrons that like being banished can continue to do so…or cycle one of them back from the banished area. Great card and prevents you from needing other Side Deck cards to counter opponent cards that stop you from banishing.
Advanced- 3.5/5 Art- 4/5
Until Next Time,

Midweek brings us a new Crystron Trap to add to their arsenal of Traps: Crystron Cluster.
Cluster is a Continuous Trap that prevents Crystron cards you control from being banished by the opponent’s card effects, which is interesting protection to give to your monsters, but protection nonetheless. You can target a face-up card on the field, or up to 2 if you control a Crystron Synchro, and shuffle a Crystron card from your graveyard or banishment back into the Deck, besides another copy of Cluster, to destroy it. Good removal to be able to have every turn, especially if you can keep a Crystron Synchro up to always be able to destroy up to 2 cards. It also recycles your Crystron cards, most likely your banished Crystron cards with all the banish from grave effects the archetype has that you’ll use, or to be able to reuse some of your Synchros. HOPT on the destruction effect of Cluster, of course. It’s good removal, though the protection effect it gives your Crystron cards on the field might not come up too often except a potential Cosmic Cyclone targeting this. It’s easy to get to in the Deck, being searchable and recoverable if you put it into the graveyard, so you’d only need 1, but it’s a 1-of you don’t want to go without.
Advanced Rating: 3.5/5
Art: 3.5/5 Could almost pass as an Ice Barrier card.

For once we get to a relatively simple card this week, Crystron Cluster, a new Continuous Trap for the Crystron archetype. You can directly search it with Crystron Smiger and Crystron Inclusion, though often you’ll be searching it by sending it to the Graveyard with Crystron Sulfador, then recycling it later with their new Synchro monster. While active, Cluster will protect your Crystron cards on the field from being banished by your opponent’s card effects. This is pretty niche considering not every deck uses banishing as their main disruption, but when it does come up, it’s a big help; Maliss in particular is a current meta deck that uses banishing as their main disruption, and S:P Little Knight is always a card to watch out for. It’d be great if it protected your Crystron cards in the Graveyard too since your combos are heavily Graveyard-reliant, though it’s not a huge deal since it’s highly unlikely Cluster will be live on your first turn, plus Crystrons aren’t LIGHT or DARK anyway. The big effect is Cluster’s sole hard once per turn effect, letting you target any card on the field (or 2, if you happen to control a Crystron Synchro) and destroy it by shuffling a Crystron card from your Graveyard or Banishment into your deck. Oddly, you can’t shuffle another Cluster, but that shouldn’t be relevant since you’ll only be running 1 Cluster. Backrow-based disruption is always valuable in the modern meta climate as we get more anti-monster tools and boardbreakers, and Cluster is no exception; recycling resources is icing on the proverbial cake. While you’ll still need to field a Crystron Synchro to get the full benefit, there’s nothing stopping you from just destroying 1 card, and it’s not too difficult anyway since your standard lines will almost always get you to Crystron Quariongandrax. Of course, there’ll be no shortage of cards to recycle either after your standard combos. It’s a relatively simple card, but it’s fantastic disruption on a Continuous Trap that you should always run 1 copy of.
+Continuous disruption that also recycles resources for great value
+Banish protection gives an edge in certain matchups
-Relies on having a Crystron Synchro for full value
Advanced: 4.25/5
Art: 3/5 Not that much happening here. Sneak peek at the new miniboss!
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