Here i one question i have encounted during a tourney...
Ok say my opp have a scyther
he attached one grass energy
Sword Dance it
My turn
I bench my pokemon
(attack)Scyther's still alive...
His turn
Does he slash me for 60 or 30..?
Yeah i sure know that if i gust his scyther the effect is gone... but if i bench my
will the effect go away? cause the rule say bench a pokemon ends all effects of attack... Does Scyther's sworddance affect my pokemon?(my judge say it has no effect on my pokemon if i retreat it or whatever... the sworddance effect still goes on..)
So my main question is Does Benching on the either side on the pokemon ends
ALL effects on either of the pokemon, ( i asume the scyther sword dance has 
no effect areadly... because when it sword dance, it is on MY active pokemon
and now i had bench it , the effect's gone...) 

I will take this time right now to explain the 3 types of effects:

Active, Defending, and Mutual

First is Active.  This is an effect that is done by an active Pokemon that effects only the active Pokemon.  Examples of this type of effect is Swords Dance, Agility, and Scrunch.  They are all effects where it does not matter what does on with the opponent's side of the board as long as your Pokemon remains active.

Next we have Defending.  The best example of defending is Smokescreen.  It is an attack that will place an effect on the defending Pokemon.  The conditions here are similar to active.  It does not matter what happens to YOUR Pokemon as long as your opponent's Pokemon does not change active.  So, as long the Pokemon that was Smokescreened does not go to the bench, then smokescreen is still in effect, regardless of what happens to the Pokemon who used Smokescreen.  As a side note, all 4 status conditions are also examples of Defending effects.

Finally, we have mutual.  Examples of mutual are Pounce (Persian), Tail Wag, and Leer.  In these effects, if either Pokemon goes to the bench, the effects of the attack are nullified.

I hope this answers your questions as to the type of effects.
