Trading Card Game
Questions and Answers
with Brian Brokaw
September #1 1999
- 9-20-99 Misc. Basic questions
- 9-20-99 Blastoise vs. Venusaur
and Scoop Up
- 9-20-99 Initial draw and replacing
- 9-20-99 Advanced Selfdestruction
- 9-20-99 How long does Scyther's
Swords Dance last?
- 9-20-99 Breeder, Evolution,
and Damage Counters
- 9-20-99 Using Japanese cards
in games
- 9-20-99 Dragonair's evolution?
- 9-20-99 How to evolve Aerodactyl
- 9-19-99 Pidgeot's Hurricane
and damage counters
- 9-19-99 Super Potion requires
- 9-19-99 Mr. Mime with Alakazam's
Damage Swap
- 9-19-99 Does Potion add HP?
- 9-19-99 Keeping Pokemon in-play
- 9-19-99 Step by step Pokemon
Trader example
- 9-19-99 Multiple Dodrios
- 9-19-99 Machamp vs. Machamp
= Strikes Back reverberation?
- 9-19-99 No "killing"
or "stealing" in the Pokemon TCG!
- 9-19-99 Selective Pokemon
- 9-19-99 How long does
Scyther's Swords Dance last?
- 9-19-99 Does Weakness offset
- 9-19-99 Computing Water Gun
- 9-19-99 Wigglytuff with Clefairy
- 9-19-99 PlusPower and Defender
on Benched Pokes?
- 9-19-99 Free energy with Blastoise?
- 9-19-99 Mr. Mime with Alakazam's
Damage Swap
- 9-19-99 Benching cures
- 9-19-99 Mewtwo with Double
Colorless and multiple Dodrios
- 9-19-99 Energy on Benched
- 9-19-99 Self inflicted Knock-Out
yield a prize?
- 9-19-99 mixing Japanese Gym
and non-Gym cards
- 9-19-99 Pokemon Breeder, Sleep,
and Damage color
- 9-17-99 ADVANCED Tail Wag
and Metronome
- 9-17-99 Jungle Pikachu's Spark
attack and moving energy
- 9-17-99 Defender stay with
a Benched Pokemon?
- 9-17-99 Porygon's Conversion
attacks and ettiquette
- 9-17-99 How long does Scyther's
Swords Dance last?
- 9-15-99 How long does Confusion
- 9-15-99 Snorlax is invincible!!!
- 9-15-99 Alakazam's Damage
Swap explained
- 9-15-99 Wasted Paralysis
- 9-15-99 Wasted Paralysis,
and moving Energy around
- 9-15-99 Pokemon Center Selection?
- 9-15-99 Scoop Up, Pokemon
Breeder, and Super Fang
- 9-15-99 Evolution explained
- 9-15-99 Evolve a Paralyzed
Poke & prizes
- 9-13-99 Electrode Buzzap and
- 9-13-99 Double Colorless Energy
- 9-13-99 Using Switch on a
sleeping Pokemon
- 9-13-99 Self inflicted Knock-Out
yield prize?
- 9-13-99 Pokemon have summoning
- 9-13-99 How long does Poison
- 9-13-99 How to Confuse/Sleep/etc
- 9-13-99 Step by Step Paralysis
- 9-13-99 Fossil evolutions
yield prizes?
- 9-13-99 Mr. Mime protected
from Gastly?
- 9-13-99 Correct use of Pokemon
- 9-10-99 Replacing K-O'd Pokemon
- 9-9-99 Water Gun and Metronome
- 9-9-99 4 Nidoran (F) and 4
Nidoran (M) ?
- 9-8-99 Replacing K-O'd Pokes
and other Q's
- 9-8-99 Failing a Confused
attack move
- 9-8-99 Getting rid of Confusion
- 9-8-99 Mr. Mime and Paralysis
- 9-8-99 Chain Lightning (Jungle
Electrode) vs. Clefairy Doll
- 9-8-99 Agility protect from
Trainer cards?
- 9-8-99 Fossil release date,
Agility question, Future sets
- 9-8-99 Metronome coin flips?
- 9-8-99 Defender question and
Hand size question
- 9-8-99 Forget to take a prize?
- 9-8-99 Spearow's Mirror Move
- 9-8-99 Confusing and Poison
- 9-8-99 Clefable vs.
- 9-8-99 How long does
Defender last?
- 9-8-99 de-evolving,
retreating, and other various Q's
- 9-7-99 Venomoth Shift situations
- 9-6-99 Raicu's Agility
- 9-6-99 Legal to play with
Japanese cards?
- 9-6-99 Mr. Mime and
- 9-6-99 Legal to play with
Japanese cards?
- 9-6-99 Electrode's Buzzap
with Energy Retrieval
- 9-6-99 PlusPower with
Jungle Pikachu?
- 9-6-99 Electrode's Buzzap
- 9-6-99 Gastly's Destiny
- 9-6-99 Energy Removal and
Retreating ("cards" vs. "energy")
- 9-6-99 Mr. Mime Meditate
- 9-6-99 Sleep, Levels
questions and cool rules variant!
- 9-6-99 Pidgeot's Hurricane
and "Pokemon in-play"
- 9-6-99 Tournament question
/ Poison, Sleep questions
- 9-6-99 Mr. Mime and
- 9-6-99 Pokemon Center with
no energy cards?
- 9-6-99 Pokemon Breeder +
Devolution Spray
- 9-6-99 What is a Mulligan?
- 9-3-99 Gastly's Destiny
Bond and Electrode misprints
- 9-3-99 Advanced Devolution
- 9-3-99 Professor Oak and
- 9-3-99 Do I Have to
- 9-3-99 Zapdos/Energy
- 9-3-99 Clefairy
Doll / No cards in hand
- 9-3-99 Basic Questions:
Scoop Up, Mr. Mime, Sleep
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