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Pokemon Card of the Day
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.37 (based on 6 reviews)
Modified: 2.97 (based on 6 reviews)
Draft: 3.04 (based on 6 reviews)
Reviewed April 2, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

This would work
well Teched into a Magcargo deck. Just add one and if your
opponent has a lot of low HP Pokemon, bring him out and go to
town! Combo it with Dark Crobat maybe to take out droves of
Babies. Of course, this is most useful in a Modified format. It
is unfortunate that his Pokemon Power only works when he is
active. That reduces that rating of the card quite a bit.
Unlimited: Doesn't quite cut it. 2.4/5
Modified: Interesting TecH in Magcargo.
Draft: If you manage to pull a couple, you
can wreak havoc on your opponent! And the basic does nice damage
too. Worth going for, too bad it's a rare. 3.75/5 |

I like his PP Hot Plate. He
has the potential to do some damage to babies on the bench. His
low HP make him risky though. Could combo well in an Entei/Magcargo
deck though. I might use him as tech. Gengar dosen't like him.
Unlimited: Less Babies so not great there,
could combo for some damage with other Pokés. Low HP and High
retreat not so great. I will give him 2.5/5
Modified: I think he is slightly better
here. Could tech well and cause some real damage on all those
Babies. 3/5
Draft: Wow! Looks like I really bring down
the numbers here. I look at it from the perspective of even
being able to get the things necessary to run them. Once again
he is rare so there is litle chance of seeing him. The PP is
next to worthless. But the bench damage is kind of nice. Retreat
and low HP hurt him again. 1.5/5
Dark Magcargo
The 60HP is pretty bad for a Stage 1. The 3 Retreat Cost doesn't
help either. Weakness to Water is bad in Modified as Gatr is
still the most dominant deck out there (for now at least ;-P).
Let's look at the power...
Hot Plate works wonder with Rocket's Minefield Gym! It's too bad
the power is not cumulative (since Dark Magcargo has to be
active). The low HP means that Dark Magcargo won't be active for
a long time and thus, you can only use the power a couple of
Ball of Flame is an interesting attack. It synergies really well
with Hot Plate as you can deal more damage to bench Pokemon.
With Rocket's Minefield Gym out, you have the chance of dealing
30 damage straight before even attacking. That 30 damage is
enough to KO a Baby. If your opponent plays a basic with 50 HP
or less (which is very common in Modified ie. Totodile, Slugma,
Zubat, Slowpoke, Cyndaquil, etc), you need to deal an extra 20
damage BEFORE they evolve. That's where Ball of Flame comes into
play. The bad part is, Rocket's Minefield is a flip. Also, if
they already got a Basic that can attack down before you get
Dark Magcargo out, it's going be pretty useless. They won't risk
playing a Baby until they KO your Dark Magcargo.
In Unlimited, it's pretty good against Sneasel (if they haven't
filled up their bench yet, that is). It isn't that good against
BBPs (Big Basic Pokemon) like Chansey though. It'll take
ages to KO something big.
In Modified, it can be pretty good in certain situations. But it
just deal too little damage to the defending Pokemon...
In Draft, the attack is really good! 20 to active and 20 to
bench can mean 2 prizes. With only 4 prizes, most of the time
your opponent would retreat their damaged active so that you
don't draw a prize. If you get Dark Magcargo out, you can
probably win in 2-3 attacks. The HP is a bit low though...
Unlimited Rating: 2.3/5 (Not that good against BBPs =/)
Modified Rating: 2.5/5 (Kill Babies but Gatr is still
Draft Rating: 3.4/5 (Awesome attack in Draft!)
Jeremy B.
Wow what
a guest we have !!!
Can you sign my Cleffa!
Oh wait you already did.
If I hear another person tell me there is no one worth getting a
signed card in Pokemon I will........ Well, just don't say
it again.
I have yet to see this card used well and as with all the Non
holo rares in the set I believe its junk. Its not bad for two it
does Bench damage and can kill a baby the turn its put in play
but it still seems too weak and just lacks a big hit. I tried to
break them a few times but it came up short every time.
Standard 1.5/5
Modified 2/5
Limited 3.5/5 Low hit point Pokemon on your opponents bench plus
quick damage is good.
Lord Gothmog
In standard, I would play it
but for it's low HP. I know, I know, Rocket's Hideout boosts it,
but they can bump it out and possibly not even have to attack to
kill it. However, it's not out of the realm of possibility. If
you wanted, you could play it. The power and attack work well
together, and if you use a Rocket's Minefield Gym, it's possible
you could be killing their babies without so much as attacking.
The low Energy cost of the attack is pretty good, too. But, the
HP and high retreat hurt it. 2.5/5
In modified, Big Fire is cruelly tromped
by Gatr, with is unfourtunate, because this thing would fit
pretty well. The weaknesses aren't really less in this format,
maybe even more. I'll say 2.9/5, considering FTKOs on Slugmas
are not quite as likely, and Babies are everywhere.
In limited, it's a pretty good pick.
Nothing really stands out, considering there aren't any combos
with anything in the set, but it's usable. 3/5

Dark Magcargo is quite an
evolution. It combos well with Dark Typhlosion or Typhlosion,
and I like it. A lot. Definitely a card to play in Neo Block.
It's attack can take out babies on the bench, and do damage to
the active at the same time! The attack combined with the power
will get you prizes for sure.
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
This card performs best in Neo Block
though. If you ever play in one of those tourneys, use this guy!
There isn't any water to kill it!
~ RaNd0m
Erhm, wow, the first thing you think when you read Dark Magcargo.
10 damage with no flip like Rocket’s Minefield? That could
turn out something good… Why not combine them! And then watch
your opponent Gust of Wind and bash Dark Magcargo shell into
crunchy little pieces in a soup =\ If only Gust of Wind were not
played in EVERY deck, Dark Magcargo would see viable play.
It’s got some form of TriX/Lock/Control/Combo/Hunter thing
going. It’s second attack is pretty good in Standard as well.
You get a Murkrow with 60 HP (80 with Hideout) that still does
20 damage to the active and 10 to anything that’s benched. But
be wary! This would include your own Basics and Babies so make
sure to set up before dropping this bad boy.
With the amount of Babies seeing play this thing could really
put a dent into a person’s deck. Erika’s Perfume, Rocket’s
Hideout, Turn 2 smack some babies around. The only problem in
Modified is how to integrate Dark Magcargo into a deck that
could really abuse him, perhaps Dark Magcargo/Magcargo/Entei!?!?
-_-;;; But to set both a regular and a Dark Magcargo would
really compress your space and you would nevertheless lose to
‘Gatr and even Crobat. The fact that Dark Magcargo can’t
deal damage past the 20 damage mark all over the place is what
doesn’t allow it to live. Now, on the other hand, go Hunter
and use Dark Crobat and Golbat to raise the amount of damage
spread around and now you’re talking. ^_^
Woot! Imagine picking off all those Unowns and all those yummy
Basics! For Draft, Dark Magcargo is great! Definitely a first to
fifth pick if it’s still floating.
(Standard): 2.3/5
(Draft): 4.3/5
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