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Pokemon Card of the Day
Neo Destiny
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.54 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 3.35 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 2.90 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed April 4, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Forget Shining
Tyranitar (reviewed in a previous week). This is the card that I
was thinking about as the heir to Moltres. Mountain Smasher will
run your opponent's deck into the discard pile. And Fling Away
is great for picking off Pokemon on the Bench while keeping the
pressure on the active, too.
While I like the card and the different
way of winning (actively Decking your opponent), the reality is
that Dark Tyranitar is not quite strong enough to survive. You
need to build up a lot of Fighting Energy on him to make his
attack effective. And that means that he has to survive for a
long time. It also means that you aren't going to build up your
other Pokemon much.
Still, he fun. Give him a shot.
Unlimited: Much too slow and easy to pick
off or ER. 2.0/5
Modified: A bit better here without the
ER. 3.25/5
Draft: Not as bad as he might be here. His
Stage 1 has an attack that pulls him out of the deck for you.
That helps get him into play. Once you get him into play, his
high HP and moderate attacks will serve you well. 3.0/5 |

Trainer Mike
Guest Reviewer
Dark Tyranitar
I like this Poké. His attacks are real
good. "Mountain Smasher" allows you to flip for 20 on
a heads for every Fighting Energy attached to D.T. The other
attack "Fling Away" does 30 damage to a benched Poké
and 30 to the active. Or just 50 to an active if that is all
you've got. Good for knocking out benched Babies. Retreat is
steep at 3, and he is weak to Grass. Still not to bad. Gengar
hates him. I like the art!
Unlimited: A Stage 2 but has some
potential because of his attacks. Might combo nicely with other
bench damage. But I think overall he would be hard to get going.
Modified: I think he is best here. Might
do well with Dark Machoke and some tech. 3/5
Draft: Same problem as any stage 2 with an
uncommon stage 1. Just too hard to get. Grass is big in draft as
well so its weakness does not help. 1/5
Dark Tyranitar
This has always been one of my favorite cards in Neo Destiny.
90HP for a Dark Stage 2 is the highest ever. With Rocket's
Hideout, that's 110HP. In Unlimited, you can start using
Mountain Smasher or turn 2 via Pokemon Breeder. Fighting used to
be a dead type in Unlimited because of Rocket's Zapdos, Scyther
and Gligar. However, since Clefable and Chansey became popular,
playing Fighting is not such a bad choice. You could always to
play Resistance Gym too. Anyway, the ability to mill your
opponent is really good in either Formats. Unlimited damage is
also nice... ;-P
Fling Away is pretty good to KO Babies. However, it cost a
bit too much and will be ER-ed before you can even use it. Most
of the time, you probably would keep on using Mountain Smasher.
In Modified, you could actually attack with Fling Away!
In Draft, this card is awesome! High HP, unlimited damage, plus
you can deck your opponent! Since the deck size is only 40
cards, decking your opponent is good idea. Getting it out is
slightly hard though.
Unlimited Rating: 3.7 (High HP + the ability to mill + unlimited
damage + not really weak against ER = GOOD)
Modified Rating: 4.0
Draft Rating: 4.1

I didn't notice this card's
power until earlier this week. Wow is this guy good! When I saw
it's first attack, I thought it was discarding cards. That would
make it mediocre at best. But you DON'T discard?!? You can do
40-60 damage commonly and discard 2-3 cards off their deck! Add
into that that the thing can have an hp of 110, and you have a
brute! Too bad it's weak to grass, or it'd be broken! :o
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 4.5/5 (You'll see decks
based around him soon enough.)
Draft Rating: 2/5
~ RaNd0m

Hmm, pretty interesting one considers. But wait a second, what
am I thinking, I just Lasses them, they Eeked, and they
probably got back all 4 of their Energy Removals and 3 Super
Energy Removals! ^_- Although impossible, you would really
need to focus on burning a hole in your deck to protect Dark
Tyranitar. It’s really interesting and all but it just
can’t get going, even if you Breeder and remove 2 cards from
the top of your opponent’s deck. Oh, and let’s not even
speak about that second attack ever being used. The risk to
damage is just not something natural. It’s cool and all, but
Hmm… No Energy Removal? Mwahaha! But wait! Rocky Road Sense
tingling. Ack, Crobat! -_-;;;
Seriously, the main deck that wants to beat ‘Gatr as well
slams this guy into shards. It is great to get it going,
especially with the masses of Babies out there. Just bring one
up and you don’t even have to flip for it, you just deal 30
damage flat out ^_^
Limited: Erhm,
well, if you get it… I say first pick, great way to splash
and kill. The first attack is amazing in Limited play. Just be
sure you get some Dark Pupitars and the like so that you have
a chance to get up to this beast.
(Standard): 1.5/5
Modified: 2/5
(Draft): 4/5
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