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Pokemon Card of the Day
Base Set
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.85 (based on 7 reviews)
Modified: 4.39 (based on 7 reviews)
Draft: 4.87 (based on 7 reviews)
Reviewed April 5, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Aha! A sneak
peek at the upcoming Champions set! DMTM is the Dark Master!
Well, it appears that draw power will be
hard to come by in the upcoming Modified, when Team Rocket, Gym
Heroes, and Gym Challenge will be dropped. Luckily, it looks
like we are getting some old friends back. We will lose Secret
Mission, Misty's Wrath, and the various Blaine's draw trainers.
Professor Elm is the best drawing card from Neo but is won't let
you use any more Trainers after you use it.
Bill is a good, solid card. You spend one
card and you get two new ones in return. The only reason it fell
out of favor is because Oak and Computer Search were just too
good. Bill will start showing up in a lot of decks once Modified
is updated. The below ratings reflect those changes.
Unlimited: It's a good card, but as I
mentioned, there are better. 3.5/5
Modified: Unless they put Oak in
Champions, Bill will be in a lot of decks. 4.25/5
Draft: Never turn down free draw power in
Draft! 5.0/5 |

Trainer Mike
Guest Reviewer
Hmm...two cards for one card. This is a
classic "thin your deck" card. I think it can be
useful in certain environments/formats. It really all depends on
how tight your deck runs, and will drawing two cards
mathematically help the ratios you need in that particular deck.
Gengar, well Gengar hates him.
Unlimited: Can really help you get what
you need at times without losing a bunch of cards. 3.5/5
Modified: Guess what folks! He may not be
legal in Modified now, but I have a feeling he will be soon. You
may even find a Foil version of him! Could be very useful here.
Once again it all depends on how your deck is designed. 3.5/5
Draft: Are you kidding! Two words: Draw
Power. He is a must draft, only thing better is more draw power.
Trainers are always at a premium in draft. 4.5/5
I would like to thank Bill for inviting me
to be a guest on your Card of the Day forum. I had a blast!
Looking forward to seeing some of you in Chicago, San Diego, and
at Worlds!
Aah, good 'ol Bill! ^_^
Once the staple of many decks, it was suddenly forgotten once
Misty's Wrath, Cleffa, and Professor Elm came out. It is still
one of the best draw cards ever printed since it has NO
drawbacks whatsoever. With Oak, you lose your hand. With Misty's
Wrath, you lose 5 cards. With Cleffa, you can't deal damage.
With Erika and Computer Error, your opponent benefits as well.
With Professor Elm, you can't play Trainers. With's Bill's
Teleporter, you have to flip a coin. On the other hand, Bill is
pure card advantage. A one for two trade. Really an awesome
In Unlimited, it's still good. However, a deck running 4 Oaks, 4
Computer Search, 3 Item Finder, and 3-4 Cleffas, already have
sufficient draw power. Bill is just not good enough.
In Modified, I was going to say that it's NOT playable. However,
DMTM said and I quote,
"For arguments sake lets just say you could play Bill in
modified ;)"
This lead me to believe that Bill will be re-printed in
Challenge!! ^_^ When the new Modified "Modified" Format
rolls in, with the absence of Misty's Wrath, Bill
would definitely be played in every deck! Imagine, a Foil
Bill! The elusive Reverse Holo Promo Bill that was a joke
at the Pokemon Chats MIGHT come true! Assuming
that Bill WILL be allowed in Modified in the future, it's gonna
be a staple in every deck.
In Draft, any draw power is good. Bill has NO drawbacks
whatsoever. Definitely a 1st pick (unless the rare is Electabuzz
or the uncommon is Oak!). ~_^
Unlimited Rating: 4/5 (Would've been a 5 but there are
better choices...)
Modified Rating: 5/5 (Pure card advantage. Will replace Misty's
Wrath in the future if reprinted!)
Draft Rating: 5/5 (Draw power is exceptionally powerful in

Well, we're reviewing Bill!
And it's "ok" to use in modified? Hmmm... well lets
see. Bill used to own a lot more than it does now. I remember
the days before modified, before anything like an STS, where
Bill was the hottest card on the market. Decks were common that
played 4 oak, 4 computer search, 4 item finder, 4 bill. Bill was
one of the best card drawers in the game.
Then elm came... and Bill resigned.
If Bill were playable in modified, I doubt
we'd see much use. We already have the Erika/Imposter Oak's
Revenge combo, and Misty's Wrath, Secret Mission, Professor Elm.
Trust me, it wouldn't make a big difference.
Standard Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 3/5
Draft Rating: 5/5 to the Nth power! Bill
> all in draft! Heck, in draft, Maintenance should get a 4/5!
Drawing is totally needed. If you ever talk to someone who's
played a lot of drafts, they'll tell you to draft card drawers
before anything else. =\

Unlimited: I
have always preached the way of the Bill in any format where
he has been legal. The amount of raw advantage it generates is
higher than any other card and the fact that it replaces
itself adds to versatility. No need to explain further why 4
Bill is something you should always start your deck off with
Modified: /me
is giggling like a school girl. Whee!!! I would rather want
Oak in the upcoming Challenge series, but hey, can’t get it
all, eh? ;.) Bill is still a great trade off. 4 of these in
every Neo-Modified deck will spice things up. But still, Erika
is cool and I’ll miss her *sniff*…
Limited: If
you’re drafting a set with Bill in it, make sure you don’t
pass them off! Yes, Oaks and Elms are good, but Bill is great
because he’s a common! And if you draft a load of Bills and
build up a functional line of Pokémon you are assured a good
number of victories. There is no drawback with Bill, 2 cards
for 1, 1 total card advantage which is a big difference in
Limited play.
(Standard): 5/5
Modified (Neo-On): 5/5
Limited (Draft): 5/5
Lord Gothmog
Ah, Bill. Bill is Alma Mater
of the Old School. Good solid card drawing.
In unlimited, I stopped playing it in
every deck when Neo Genesis came out, bringing Professor Elm and
Cleffa with it. But for when you need to play the cards right
then, Bill is superior. Elm prevents any more trainers, and
Cleffa prevents playing ANYTHING else that turn. Bill doesn't. 2
cards for the price of one is called "card advantage."
And it's a good thing. 3.5/5
In modified, let's say it's playable, just
for a larf. In unlimited, you play Oak, Elm and Cleffa. In
modified, there's no Oak, so for decks that don't like
discarding 5 cards with Misty's Wrath, Bil, Elm and Cleffa would
be a good draw engine. 4.0/5
In limited, card drawing is never a bad
pick, especially considering you can have 20 Bills if you
wanted. Unless I open a power rare, I'll take draw cards, and
Bill is a good one. 4.6/5
"What's that?"
"Once more?"
Yes, the CotD is Bill. And yes, it has a
...let's let that sink in for a moment.
Okay, pick your jaws up off of the ground
please. =P
Well, he's often overshadowed by his big
brothers Professors Oak and Elm these days, but Bill is still
and forever shall be the first even no drawback trainer engine.
Slap it down, draw two. No penalties, no drawbacks, no finacing
until spring of 2005. I mean, how sweet is that, exactly?
"Very sweet, Tashi."
Damn right.
However, as we've all seen, Bill just
doesn't cut it in most decks these days. There are just too many
other cards that make better use of his once nearly mandatory
three/four spaces. But that doesn't mean he's not still one hell
of a guy. I mean, come on...his HAIR alone gets him the five! ;o
Standard: 5/5 (leet hair bonus-if Bill
were bald, it would be 4.5/5)
Let me just say that Bill oWnz you here.
Seriously. Two cards, no nasty drawback like with Professor Elm.
And when Rocket, and the Gyms cycle out, Bill becomes even more
useable in this format. Solid draw power, baby. It's a good
thing. =D
What the-?! Who drafts Base anymore, lol.
But anyways, if you do draft Base for some odd reason, this guy
and Professor Oak rule the scene. And considering Bill is a
DRAFT: 5/5
Wow! Look at that! A three-way 5/5 rating!
Just goes to prove that whole "oldie but goodie"
thing, I guess. But despite all that, the real question
remains...what's with the brick wall? :\
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