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Pokemon Card of the Day
Base Set
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.15 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.55 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 4.02 (based on 2 reviews)
Reviewed April 8, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Not a bad card. It
has a very useful Power, Fragrance Trap, that gives you a free
Gust of Wind on a successful coin flip. If you have two of them
on your bench, you have a pretty good chance of Gust'ing up
whichever of your Opponent's Pokemon that you want. Very useful
in bringing up a Basic being built up or pushing a Baby back to
the bench so that you don't have to flip to attack.
While the Basic has low HP, if
you choose the right one, you can get some FTKOs if your
opponent only managed to bring out a Grass-weak, low HP Basic.
Also, Victreebel's attack is not bad. You do 50 Damage for 3
Grass Energy. Not bad at all for a Pokemon that has such a
powerful Pokemon Power.
Unlimited: The fact that Gust is
available and that E's V is a Stage 2 keeps this from being
viable here. You are just better off spending your resources on
Trainers and heavy hitters than on a 4/4/3 or a 3/3/2 line of
cards just for the Gust'ing ability. 2.75/5
Modified: Has some use here,
especially with all of the Grass-weak cards that are popular in
the format. Also, since Gust of Wind is not available and the
only other Gust-like trainers have heavy drawbacks, the Power
becomes much more attractive. 3.75/5
Draft: Normally a Stage 2 is not
even worth considering. However, consider this: Status is King
in Draft. Erika's Pokemon can deliver a lot of Status effects
(Called Special Conditions, now). There are two different
versions of the Basic and both are common. There are two
different versions of the Stage 1 and both are Uncommon. This
means that this line is a good one to go for in a draft. If you
are getting the Basics and Stage 1's, you might as well pick up
the Stage 2 if it comes your way. As a capper, there is another
Uncommon card in the Gym Heroes set called Erika's Maids
that will allow you to search for your Victreebel! Put all of
that together and I think this makes a good choice in Draft.
4.25/5 |
Erika's Victreebel
This is one awesome evolution! Fragance Trap is almost like a
free Gust of Wind every turn. As you all know, Gust of Wind is a
staple card in ALL Unlimited decks. Double Gust is almost a
staple in Modified decks as well. The reason? Disruption. The
ability to get ANY of your opponent's bench Pokemon and promote
it as active is really good, especially against Pokemon who just
sits on your Opponent's bench like Slowking.
With two Erika's Victreebels out, you are almost guaranteed
a free Gust every turn. Your Pokemon can't attack yet? No
problem. Just gust an Energy-less Pokemon to stall a bit. Or, if
you want to get that last final prize, you can just gust for
that damaged Pokemon that your opponent tried to save. The Power
works really well with Neo Genesis Murkrow too. Just gust out
something like an Unown and Mean Look it. Afterwards, you can
just Feint Attack your opponent's bench without fear of being
KO-ed (unless they manage to break the lock of course...).
Razor Leaf is a pretty good attack too. 3 Energies for 50 damage
with no drawbacks is awesome.
You can also use Erika's Maid to get the whole line going quickly.
In Unlimited, it can be pretty good. Don't really bother
powering it up though as it's kind of an ER bait. Slowking
is still popular so Erika's Victreebel is really good. It's also
good against Metal Chansey as you can use Murkrow to lock
their Unown N.
In Modified, this is one of the best anti-Gatr deck out there.
Too bad it's weak to Fire though.
In Draft, if you can get it out, it's awesome! 80HP is
really good and you can't say no to 50 damage. You might be able
to draft a couple of Erika's Maids too. ~_^
Unlimited Rating: 3.2/5
Modified Rating: 3.6/5
limited Rating: 3.8/5

Imagine a Gust of Wind for free every turn! Bust out another big
hitter like Chansey and bust them. In Unlimited you can have him
powered up by Turn 2 and try to protect him from ER and SER.
Otherwise, Erika’s Victreebel is a decent technical card which
can be fine-tuned to work well if need be.
Modified: What
used to be one of the main Anti-‘Gatrs is no more, sadly.
‘Gatr just got too far ahead with TecH Non-Holo Suicine and
other stuff people have thrown in. Erika’s Victreebel has
GREAT potential to make a comeback, but most every deck can hit
harder and in less time, like Magcargo-Entei, and wipe this guy
Limited: The
obvious thing here for Erika’s Victreebel is that it’s good
if you can get it out, a dead Rare Stage 2 if you get
(Standard): 3.5/5
(Neo-On): 3.3/5
(Draft): 4/5 (1/5 cause of Stage 2 junk)
Lord Gothmog
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