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Pokemon Card of the Day
Pojo's Average
Rating -
4.30 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 4.28 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.86 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed April 9, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Metal Energy is a
great little card. While it's main purpose is to power up the
attacks of Metal-type Pokemon, the game designers gave it a
drawback that can be turned into an advantage if used properly.
First off, Metal is like a permanent mini-defender. It protect
against damage for as long as it is attached. This is great for
helping your Pokemon last longer and if you have an attack that
either does not do damage or does a lot, the penalty (doing 10
less damage from your own attack) is worth it. And, if your
Pokemon has a self damaging attack, both functions of Metal
Energy (protection AND attack reduction) get triggered,
protecting you more that your opponent. For example, a Chansey
with 2 Metal Energy attached will do 60 to the opponent (80-20)
but only 40 to itself (80-40). Add an Unown N to your bench and
you have it made. Of course, it is very much a target of energy
removal, so you have to watch out for that in Unlimited.
Overall, this is one of the better cards in the game.
Unlimited: Watch out for ER!
Modified: 4.5/5
Draft: Here's the problem. You will have to win with low powered
Pokemon from the Neo set. Most of them, while they will be
protected by Metal, will also find their attack strength cut in
half. You need to use Pokemon that can do things with colorless
energy other than straight damage. There are some, but not a
lot. It will require some skill and luck to get the right
Pokemon to take advantage of that Metal that you draw. For that
reason, I'm lowering the rating just a bit. 3.5/5 |
Metal Energy
Ahh, one of the best Special
Energy cards ever printed! Not only does it power up the Metal
Energy requirement, you can also use it to abuse Non-Metal
Type Pokemon Attacks that does damage to itself, like Rocket's
Zapdos Electroburn, Base Chansey's Double Edge and Base
Arcanine's Take Down attack. For those of you that still
don't know how it works, Metal Energy reduces damage dealt AND
taken by Non-Metal Pokemon. So, with 3 Lightning and 1 Metal,
Rocket's Zapdos would do 60 damage to the defending Pokemon
and 10 damage to itself.
Back to the card... Metal Energy also works really well with Steelix.
Pump it up with 3-4 Metal Energies and a Gold Berry, then the
110HP Stage 1 is almost invincible, like a Wall. Of
course it works with other Metal Pokemon, but the other Metal
Pokemon have rather low HP and it might not be worth it.
In Unlimited, Metal Energy is really useful as Steelix,
Chansey and Rocket's Zapdos really abuse it.
In Modified, Steelix is really good. When the new
Modified "Modified" Format rolls in, Steelix might
be one of the most dominant decks as Big Fire and Entei-Cargo will
lose their speed. Once you build up the Wall, it's really
hard to KO it...
In Draft, I can't really see a use for it. It's only good with certain
cards and Metal type Pokemon. Otherwise, it's just used as a
mini-defender. Probably just draft it and pray that
you also draft a Steelix...
Unlimited Rating: 5/5 (Chansey, Rocket's Zapdos and Steelix
REALLY abuse it!)
Modified Rating: 4/5 (Only Steelix can really benefit from
Draft Rating: 2.4/5 (Too situational IMO...)

Metal Energy
The ways you can use this and get it back from the discard
pile make this a force in Unlimited. Most any deck can run it,
and those that abuse it really love it. Especially how well it
works with our good friend Chansey ^_^
Metal isn’t that big in Modified. Really, what’s 10 damage
you stop when they are dealing excess of 100? =\
Limited: Wow,
this thing is great in Draft! Use it on a Metal Pokémon if
you get it and there might not be any stopping you. Otherwise,
throw it in as Colorless Energy with a twist. Works wonder by
reducing damage, although a double-edged lance if you don’t
deal that much damage.
(Standard): 4.5/5
Modified: 4/5
(Draft): 3.9/5
Lord Gothmog
Metal Energy is arguably the
most broken energy card. Unlike Darkness Energy, you can't knock
yourself out from preventing damage you're doing. On the
contrary, it helps you to NOT knock yourself out. Metal Energy
spawned an archetype and is in quite a few decks without Metal
Pokemon of any kind.
In unlimited, Metal keeps alive your
Cleffas, helps pound people with Chanseys, and keeps Rocket's
Zapdos alive longer. And it's an energy card. It has the same
weaknesses as all special energy cards(4 per deck, ER target),
but with great benifits. I'm giving it a 3.5/5. Like a great
pair of pants, it's good when you can keep them on, but some
trainers will take them right off.
In modified, you don't have Chanseys, but
you do have Steelix(an actual METAL pokemon!), and Cleffas, and
Rocket's Zapdos. Plus no ER. Groovy. Good for protecting stuff
from Murkrows as well(on the bench of course). 3.9/5 here,
Close, but no unstoppable 120 HP basic that gets -40 from
In team battles, Team Rocket's Meowth
seriously puts the hurt on, and Metal Energy assists in said
beatings. Big Colorless is a power deck here, I've seen it.
In limited, I would draft it, no contest.
Not just because it works pretty well for decks, but because
it's quite valuable. Cha-ching. 4.5/5

Metal Energy is ownage. Yes, it is
an energy, so I can't really say it stinks. But the fact that
it can prevent damage and sometimes prevent 20 (self-damage)
makes it very useable and very archetypical.
Standard Rating: 5/5
Modified Rating: 5/5
Draft Rating: 5/5
~ RaNd0m
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