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Pokemon Card of the Day
Neo 3
Entei holo
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.85 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.77 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 3.57 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed April 10, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

An interesting
and well-built card. He gives you the opportunity to break the
one-energy-card-per-turn rule but at a significant cost. You
have to discard a number of cards and lose your turn. Worst of
all, you have no guarantee that Howl will get you any Fire
Energy cards.
However, if used intelligently, Entei can
power up that Fire energy hog you have centered your deck
around, whether it be Blaine's Arcanine, Magcargo, or, maybe (if
he's in Champions), Base set Charizard. In order to use it
though, you need your deck to contain about 33%-50% Fire Energy
Cards. You can achieve this by thinning your deck or recycling
Fire back in via Nightly Garbage Run or Time Capsule. Combo,
combo, combo...
Now, in Unlimited, you have so much
control over your deck, there is no need to take such chances on
a Power like this. Modified decks, however, with it's much more
limited deck control, can benefit greatly from this card.
Finally, in Draft, if you can, take one of these. Magcargo is an
uncommon in the Revelation set and you can use the Entei to
power it up very nicely!
Unlimited: 2.25/5
Modified: 3.75/5
Draft: 3.5/5 |
Holo Entei
This card is all about speed. Some luck is also involved in
using this card effectively. Let's look at the stats first...
80HP is really nice for a Basic. One Retreat cost is also very
The Howl Power is really good in the right deck. There are two
methods in order to reduce the luck factor of the Power:
a. Play lots of Fire Energy, like 30+.
b. Play moderate amount of Fire Energy like 20+ but you
have to "thin" your deck.
If you play lots of Fire Energy, you increase the chances of
Howl-ing a lot of them. If your deck is small sized, you'll be
able to Howl lots of Fire Energy as well.
Searing Flames is a so-so attack. It's like a Flamethrower, but
requires one more energy to discard, and does 10 more damage. The
Power can fuel the attack a couple of times though.
There are two decks that can maximize the power of Howl...
A turbo Blaine's Magmar - Entei deck, which looks something
4x Entei (Howl)
4x Blaine's Magmar
4x Good Manners
4x Time Capsule
44x Fire Energy
Or, an Entei-Cargo deck. NR Magcargo is superior to Blaine's Arcanine
IMO. It discards less and the ability to control how much
damage you want to do, WITHOUT any coinflips, is awesome. That's
why Entei-Cargo works really well. It's fast and reliable (as
long as you can thin your deck).
In Unlimited, Entei-Cargo can work. It's not really weak to ER
and it's fast enough to compete with other decks. Plus, you can
use Scoop Up to re-use Howl over and over again.
In Modified, if you can set it up early enough, it can beat
Gatr easily.
In Draft, Entei is awesome! You probably have to play just
one color though. The Power will thin your deck AND power up
something (probably Entei) at the same time. 60 damage 2nd turn
in Draft is really deadly.
Unlimited Rating: 3.3/5
Modified Rating: 3.6/5
Draft Rating: 4.2/5

Entei is really cool. I love the
power. It's the definition of speed. However, in the current
environment, it is pichu bait. Unless you can get rid of pichu
quickly, these guys will often fall victims to babies, not
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 4/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
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