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Pokemon Card of the Day
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.53 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 3.52 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 2.47 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed April 12, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Time Capsule is not
nearly as popular as Nightly Garbage Run. While TC gets you 5
cards from your discard pile back into your deck and NGR only
gets you three, TC gives the exact same benefit to your
opponent. And on top of that, it prevents you from playing any
more trainers that turn! Pretty harsh! Unless you have a strong
need to retrieve a lot of cards, Time Capsule is not the way to
On the other hand, TC has
something going for it that NGR does not: NGR is due to be
cycled out of Modified format in the next few months. Unless it
is going to be reprinted in the upcoming Legendary set
(previously known as Champions), the only decent way to get
cards from your discard and back into your deck will be Time
Capsule. If you play a Fire deck, you may not have much choice
but to use TC.
Unlimited: NGR remains the choice
here. Anything that helps your opponent and hurts you should be
avoided. 1.5/5
Modified: Limited usefulness now, may be the only choice soon.
Draft: Even here it gives you no advantage over your opponent.
Why bother. Choose another card. 1.5/5 |
Time Capsule
This card is basically a Nightly Garbage Run for both players
(and 5 cards instead of 3). We all know that Nightly
Garbage Run is a really great card. Lets see how it
1. With Nightly Garbage Run, you get 3 cards back into your
deck. With Time Capsule, you get 5. Winner: Time Capsule
2. With Nighly Garbage Run, only YOU get the effect. With Time
Capsule, your opponent benefits from it as well. Winner: Nightly
Garbage Run
3. With Nightly Garbage Run, you can still use Trainers
afterwards. With Time Capsule, you can't. Winner: Nightly
Garbage Run
NGR wins 2 against 1! ^_^
Now, most decks would definitely run NGR over Time Capsule.
However, certain decks like Blaine's Magmar or Entei/Cargo,
would benefit more from Time Capsule. Your opponent won't
benefit too much as they probably won't have as much basic
energy cards or Pokemon in their discard pile. You also don't
get to put "up to" 5 cards back. You either shuffle 5
(or if you have less than 5, all of them) or none. This works pretty
good against Gatr as they would probably want to keep their
Water Energies in their discard pile. For example, they
have 8 cards that can be Time Capsuled; 5 Water Energy
cards, a Cleffa and 2 Totodiles. If you play Time Capsule, they
would have to choose the Cleffa, the Totodiles AND 2 Water
Energy cards. If they don't want to shuffle any Water
Energy cards, they would have to choose ZERO cards to be
shuffled back into their deck.
In Unlimited, Trainers is next to everything. Playing Time
Capsule would slow you down too much. Unless you're playing
decks that REALLY benefit from Time Capsule, play Nightly
Garbage Run instead.
In Modified, there are more Basic Energies, Evolution, and Entei/Cargo
is also more viable. In most decks, Nightly Garbage Run is still
better though.
In Draft, it combos especially well with Misty's Wrath.
Since there's not that many Trainers in Draft anyways, the final
drawback is not so bad.
Unlimited Rating: 3.1/5
Modified Rating: 3.8/5
Draft Rating: 3.9/5

Time Capsule is really cool.
Getting 5 cards back in your deck helps when you are in an
energy crisis, or when you are in a decking crisis. The
trainer thing is a drawback, but not a bad thing.
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 4.5/5
Draft Rating: 2/5
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