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Pokemon Card of the Day
Machamp - Neo 4
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.75 (based on 2 reviews)
Modified: 2.85 (based on 3 reviews)
Draft: 3.25 (based on 2 reviews)
Reviewed May 2, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Light Machamp
This card is pretty good. 100HP for a Stage 2 and only two
retreat cost is nice. Tag Team is a great power as it's almost
like a free Super Potion. Use Hyper Devolution Spray to re-use
the power over and over again.
Beatdown is a great attack. Even without the extra ability, 3
Energies for straight 50 damage is nice. The ability to double
the damage to 100 to any Dark Pokemon or Darkness Type Pokemon
is a great plus. It deals 100 damage to Sneasel, Murkrow
(overkill, though), Dark Gengar, Dark Muk and other popular
Pokemon. You have to flip a coin though. =/
In Unlimited, there's too much ER going around. Although the
ability to KO Sneasel, one of the most popular cards in
Unlimited, in one turn is nice. It can also KO Clefable and
Wiggly while dealing 100 damage to Chansey. As long as you
can protect Light Machamp's Energies, you should do fine. Don't
forget that you can use Miracle Energy on it!
In Modified, Light Machamp is only good against Dark Gengar and
Dark Muk. Not too many Dark Pokemon are really viable in
In Draft, the power really helps. 100HP is great! The attack is
also nice. The problem is getting it out. As I have said in the
past, getting a Stage 2 out is extremely hard to do in Modified.
I wouldn't draft this card early. It will probably be
passed back to you as long as no one is Rare-Drafting in your
Unlimited Rating: 3.2/5
Modified Rating: 2.7/5
Draft Rating: 2.6/5 (Just kinda hard to get out...)

Oh god... this is funny. Ness,
remember Light Machamp? Fufufufufu... this card is so STUPID
and counterproductive yet it's so fun to play! =/ I battled
Ness and his Slowking/Sneasel at the Central Stadium Challenge
with this, and was almost doing well. I used Wigglytuff as
Machop is always a decent basic,
and Light Machoke can KO a wiggly second turn with one hit.
Light Machamp helps the bench, and can do 100 to fighting weak
or darkness pokemon. Nice? Well, yeah...
If you can out removal your
opponent, you can do well with this brute! Have fun!
~ RaNd0m
Lord Gothmog
I see the light! AND IT
In unlimited, fighting has both a lot of
weakness and a lost of resistance.
Light Machamp has some potential, what
with 100 HP and a healing power. The only thing is, he takes 3
Fighting energy for his only attack. This means you can Breeder
to him, but he can't attack second turn without Electrode or
Miracle Energy. That's not really sufficient speed for this
format. I give it a 2.3/5.
In modified, the power makes it work well.
Had an unfortunate Double Gust? Evolve to Light Machamp,
heal, switch, smack. Use with Hyper Devolution Spray for extra
smackage. If only it worked for Dark AND Metal... 3/5
In limited, a big beefy Stage 2 that does
lots of damage and heals stuff is good. Very good. 3.9/5
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