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Pokemon Card of the Day
Pojo's Average
Rating -
4.33 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 5.00 (based on 5 reviews)
Draft: 5.00 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed Aug 6, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Tuesday: Professor Elm
In Standard Oak will always be better. Elm
is good when not wanting to discard needed evolutions. In Modified
it's in the top 2 best card drawing. Shuffling your hand can help
prevent decking. The no trainers for the rest of your turn isn't
much of a drawback for a new hand of 7. In MMF it is THE best card
Standard 4.5/5
Modified 5/5
MMF 5/5
Draft 5/5
(This week's card
Professor Elm - The other professor.
1/2 of the Tag Team Champions of trainers. The other tree
we all love. This card originally seemed better then oak
since you could shuffle your hand back off it. Not playing
trainers for the rest of the turn sure isn't too great but it
gets you good draw. It can also prevent decking in the
late game. I would only draft 1 Neo G card over this and
that's cleffa. Chances of cleffa and elm in same pack are
not likely.
Standerd - 4.5
Modified - 5
MMF - 5
Draft - 5
Lord Gothmog
Bah. This is easy.
In unlimited, it's not perfect. It defeats
the usual mass trainer engine speed. But it's still good card
drawing. 4/5
In modified, if you don't play 4 in a deck,
there's something wrong with you. 5/5
In limited, the only thing that you would
pick above this card is Cleffa(in a Genesis draft). This is second
best. 5/5
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