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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Legendary Collection
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.25 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 1.33 (based on 4 reviews)
Limited: 2.86 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed Aug 13, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Electric runs free in Unlimited play with
Electabuzz and Rocket's Zapdos. Psyduck may be a bad choice to
play without heavy trainer support to evolve.
The only thing that is interesting about Legendary Collection
Psyduck is > probably the flavored text. What Phil? What about
Dizziness? It defeats > itself because your spending two cards
(Psychic Energy and Psyduck itself) to gain one card from
your deck. By the time you manage to use Dizziness, your
opponent has already built up something to KO it. 50 HP is not
very practical for something that cannot defend itself except for
water gun. If your looking for card drawing use Jungle
Kangaskhan or Neo Genesis Cleffa.
Still want to play Golduck? Choose Fossil Psyduck. Not legal in
Wrong! Because the card is an identical version to Promo
Psyduck it is legal under DCI rules to play all those extra Fossil
ducks under your bed. Besides it's first attack for one psychic
stops your opponent from playing ANY trainer cards. Plus Fury
Swipes makes a good first turn kill if your running Water.
Although Legendary Collection Psyduck is pretty bad anywhere in
any consturcted deck, in sealed play events it shines. Reason
being? There are so few ways to gain card advantage over
your opponent in a booster draft.
Unlimited - 1/5
Current Modified - 1/5
September 1st Modified - 1/5
Draft - 3/5
Tuesday: Psyduck
In Standard there's not much need to use
dizziness with all of the other card drawing. Water Gun is
average. I dont get why you would play it here. 50 HP isn't the
best. With Electabuzz being played one Thunder punch will take it
out. In Modified Dizziness is usefull. Draft it's a solid basic
giving extra draw.
Standard 2/5
Modified 2.5/5
MMF 2.5/5
Draft 3.5/5
(This week's card
Psyduck - Booster Pack, 3$.
Dice, 25 Cents. Pre Constructed Deck, 10 dollars.
The look on your face when you get to the rare spot and see a
psyduck, Priceless. Some things wizards doesn't screw up.
For everything else, there's The DCI. =/... Right well,
this card, practically useless. If I wasn't playing
golduck I wouldn't play psyduck. Except maybe in draft...
but beyond that this card is nothing. 40 damage for 4
energy is weak. Draw a card as an attack? COUGH CLEFFA
Standerd - 1
Modified - 1
MMF - 1
Draft - 2.5
TR Shadow
My first COTD! OK...Psyduck:
Both its attacks are pretty bad. If
you want a Pokemon that will give you a few extra
cards, play Cleffa (preferably the neo gen. one). Dizziness is
just a waste of a psychic Energy that you could give to your
Dark Gengar. Its second attack is worse. Don't play it
unless your running Golduck and even then you have a better
option, the neo destiny Psyduck.
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 1/5
MMF 1.5/5
Draft 2/5
~TR Shadow~
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