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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Legendary Collection
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.40 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 1.10 (based on 5 reviews)
Limited: 1.60 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed Aug 15, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Thursday: Omanyte
What a deal. Seeing your opponents hand
could be useful to trap but with cleffa there's no point. A stage
1 with 40 HP is just bad. I wouldnt waste time using Fosil Egg or
Mysterious Fossil to get it out. In Modified or MMF a tech
Caterpie can take it out in one hit.
Standard 1/5
Modified 1/5
MMF 1/5
Draft 2/5
Omanyte - Another card that's not
gonna see much play. Such small HP, evolves from a
trainer... is a 30 HP Evo. Wow. Weak. The attack is a basic weak
low evolution's attack. It's got a solid pokemon power...
that's all it has. I really wish this power would have
been printed on a half decent card. In draft it's still
nothing, it takes fossil egg's or mysterious fossils.
Standerd - 1
Modified - 1
MMF - 1
Draft - 1
TR Shadow
Let's see, Omanyte, A power that
lets you see your opponents hand is pretty decent. But 40 hp for
a stage one is horrible! Its attack is useless and its
evolution is just as bad. To top it off, it's weak to grass and
has no resistance. Unless WOTC makes a good Omastar, this
card will never see much play.
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 1/5
MMF 1/5
Draft 1/5

Thursday - Omanyte
This card is odd. I don't see much point in
it. 40 hp, which is mediocre. But it's power... THAT's good. Well,
sorta. Seeing your opponents hand CAN be good in some formats, but
pointless in others. Overall it's not a bad power to have... but
the pokemon doesn't really do much for itself. I can't say it's a
good card.
Standard Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 1.5/5
MMF Rating: 1.1/5
Limited Rating: 2/5
Today's Card of the day is the ever so loved Legends Collection
Omanyte. This card (first introduced in fossil), has a Pokemon
Power that is just plain Broken.
Being able to constantly see your opponents hand is just
game-breaking. I mean, with a Power like that, Omanyte is in EVERY
WRONGO. The only good attribute this card has is canceled out by
everything else.
A 40 HP Pokemon isn't going to stay on the board long. It's not
like it's techable because not only does it have bad HP, but a
retreat, and has to evolve from a Mysterious Fossil.
Water Gun is just plain bad. First turn 10 damage, and for maximum
damage needs 3 energy. This is hideous.
In Unlimited it will get gusted. Boom,
In Modified, it will get Zapped, or Trigger Poisoned. Boom.
in Neon, It will get...ANYTHING'ed. Boom.
Now for draft. Being able to see what your opponent has in store
for you is nice. But then, here comes the whole "evolve from
the fossil" thing. So once again, this card loses its use.
Over all: Awful
Unlimited- 1
Neon- 1
Draft- 2
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