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Pokemon Card of the Day
- Legendary Collection
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.10 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 1.30 (based on 5 reviews)
Limited: 2.10 (based on 5 reviews)
Reviewed Aug 16, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Friday: Omystar
70 HP is way to low for a stage 2. Water gun
is another average attack.=\ Spike Cannon is decent with an
average of 30. For a stage 2 it's attacks aren't worth it.
Standard 1/5
Modified 1.5/5
MMF 1.5/5
Draft 2/5
Omastar - Another weak card.
This evolves from omanyte, which noone will use except for the
power. That evolves from mysterious fossil. The
chances of this hitting the board and slim at best. If it
does it's not a significant threat either. HP is low for a
stage 2. 1 Retreat is not bad but not above average to 70
HP. 40 for 4... 60 for 2 if you're lucky. Flippy and
Horrible can define this card. Also, lots of grass can
take this out. Scythers are just good.
Standerd - 1
Modified - 1
MMF - 1
Draft - 2 (Assuming you ever get it
TR Shadow
Omastar, 70 hp is solid for a stage
one, but this is a stage 2! Water gun is exactly the same as
Psyducks attack and 40 damage for 4 energy is pathetic. Spike
cannon on average will do 30 for 2 energy which is nothing
special...for a basic. Omastar would be better if it was a stage
1, but even then it wouldn't see much play. Omastar, even
without mentioning its weakness to grass, is among the worst
stage 2 Pokemon made.
Unlimited 1/5
Modified 1/5
MMF 1/5
Draft 1.5/5

Friday - Omastar
This is nice. At first glance, it's
not. But I think it could be playable, if it's basic/stage1
weren't so mediocre. Water Gun is somewhat good, and the second
attack is =/. Basically, it has no place in any constructed
format, but it can be REALLY good in limited.
Standard Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 2/5
MMF Rating: 2/5
Limited Rating: 3/5
(Level 32, LC)
This Omastar (like Omanyte) was originally introduced the Fossil
expansion. It is really an interesting card to say the least.
Neither attack does solid damage for their cost.
Water Gun is the standard of the Water Gun attack. The base damage
is 20 with 10 more for each additional. It will do 40 damage at
most for 4 Water energy.
The Second attack (Spike Cannon), on average does 30 damage for
the 2 water energy.
In Unlimited, 70 HP barely gets you anywhere when it's on a stage
1, but on a stage 2? No thanks.
Having to evolve from a Mysterious Fossil, then having to protect
the 40HP Omanyte is just a chore.
In Modified, it just dosen't do enough damage. It will get KO'ed
easily and cant fend for itself.
In MMF, It's an even bigger chore getting it out because there
isn't that much card drawing. The attacks don't make doing this
worth it.
Finally, draft. The Omanyte woulden't have to be protected as much
because theres not too much of a threat of Gust here. But still,
drafting Mysterious Fossil, the stage 1, and stage 2 will be
easier said than done.
Overall, bad attacks. Bad HP. Bad Evolutions.
Unlimited- 1 out of 5
Modified- 1 out of 5
Neon- 1 out of 5
Draft- 1 out of 5
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