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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from Wizards of
the Coast
Berry - Legendary Collection
Pojo's Average
Rating -
1.40 (based on 5 reviews)
Modified: 1.60 (based on 5 reviews)
Limited: 2.62 (based on 8 reviews)
Reviewed Aug 19, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Monday: Miracle Berry
In Standard there's hardly any status
effects. It's just not worth playing. Gold berry or Focus band are
just so much better than Miricle
berry. Its easier to Switch or retreat to
end status effects.
In Modified Focus Band and sometimes Gold
berry are the only tools used in most decks.
The same goes for MMF except Gold berry is
used more.
Draft has a lot of status effects
so this is where it could be used.
Standard 1/5
Modififed 1.5/5
MMF 1.5/5
Draft 2.5/5
TR Shadow
Miracle Berry
The power to remove a special
condition from a Pokemon is very nice, especially in team
battles. It disables your ability to attach a focus band or Gold
berry to the same Pokemon which is its only bad point. Overall
it's not a bad card, but it will never see a lot of play.
Unlimited 3/5
Modified 3/5
MMF 3/5
Draft 4/5
~TR Shadow~
Miracle Berry
Status was never something really popular in Pokemon, especially
in Unlimited. Of all the Pokemon tools, this one's one of
the worst. Having a Gold Berry or Focus Band is simply more
In Unlimited, status is BAD. Just use a Switch, Scoop Up, or
Double Gust if you want to get a status effect off. 1/5
In Modified, it's a bit better. Crobat and Promo Mew are
used for their confusion, and other things are used for poison.
Full Heal Energy is better for TecH against these decks though.
I guess its OK in draft. People try to draft things that
inflict status so this could see some use there. 2.5/5

Monday - Miracle Berry
This card is ...miraculous? Or is it...
dubious. Well, it's one of the two for sure! I'm sure it's the
latter. This card isn't really that good... at all. Why use this
when you can use full heal energy? Seriously, if your paralyzed,
it's pointless to play it on the turn you were paralyzed on. If
your confused, sure play it, so they can confuse you in the next
turn? I'm not even going to go INTO sleep.
You know, I don't think this card is good in
any format. There might not even BE a card worse than this. I mean
honestly, your actually going to play this, and NOT play a focus
band or a gold berry? What's your problem?
So, in short, this card... um... chokes on
pretzels. Yeah. =\
Unlimited Rating: 1/5
Modified Rating: 1/5
MMF Rating: 1/5
Limited Rating: 1.1/5 (WOW, a big .1 point difference. What a
DEAL. =p)
~ RaNd0m
First introduced in the Neo Genesis set, this card hasn't made a
very big impact in the game.
It's effects is the same as a Full Heal. Full Heal wasn't even
played that much in the first place.
In Unlimited, there is no need for this card at all. Status
effects aren't a big part of the environment.
In Modified and Neon, Gold Berry and Focus band are the tools to
play. Having Miracle Berry on a card will not let you play either
of the other two, so this card is once again not worth it.
In Draft this card isn't half bad. You don't know what to expect,
and since there aren't many picks for tools this is actually a
Great "just in case" card for drafting.
For the other formats, just stick to Full Heal energy. It is much
Unlimited -1.
Modified -1
Neon- 2
Draft- 3
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