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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image From Wizards of the Coast
Tower - Neo Genesis
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.67 (based on 3 reviews)
Modified: 1.67 (based on 3 reviews)
Limited: 2.00 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed Aug 21, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
TR Shadow
Sprout Tower
This card can totally shut down
Wiggily in unlimited so playing 2-4 of thease can kill! But in
Modified theres nothing colorless that has become a thret so it
hasn't seen much play. Same in MMF. In draft, this card can
prove to be very useful agenst everyone elses Jiggelypuffs
Unlimited 4/5
Modified 2/5
MMF 1.5/5
Draft 3/5
~TR Shadow~

Wednesday - Sprout Tower
Sprout Tower was at one time the default
gym. It still might be. Don't ask me, I'm playing standard tonight
(Well, last friday night) for the first time like, in a
But it's a nice card. Making colorless
resistance? I mean, CREATING colorless resistance? Nice! It's
anti-wigglytuff, anti-chansey, anti-clefable, anti-DUNSPARCE.
BROKEN. To quote Eric Brooks: "OH MAN! I mean Anti-Stantler,
But in other formats it's NOT good. In
Modified and MMF, there isn't much colorless being played. It's
not necessary, and I'd recommend healing field over that ANY day.
Unlimited Rating: 4/5
Modified Rating: 1.5/5
MMF Rating: 1.5/5
Limited Rating: 2/5
Sprout Tower
Today's Cotd is a stadium from the Neo Geneses expansion.
When this card first came out, it was heavily used as anti
Wigglytuff. Some say this is what brought the end to Wiggly, some
spit in the face of ignorant people who say that.
Either way, this is an average card.
In Modified there isn't that many colorless Pokemon that are often
used, same for Neon.
In draft, this card is a bad pick. It's metagaming one color,
which is a bad idea since you don't know what to expect in draft.
Unlimited- 3
Modified- 1.5
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