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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image From Wizards of the Coast
- Neo Genesis
Pojo's Average
Rating -
3.17 (based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 1.40 (based on 4 reviews)
Limited: 1.37 (based on 3 reviews)
Reviewed Aug 22, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Thursday - Ecogym
This honestly was, and is used, heavily in
standard. It's a natural default gym for special energy decks.
This card singlehandedly KILLED er/ser decks that didn't play 3-6
countergyms. Basically, it's a good card. In Modified or MMF, it's
not that good. I can only see it doing well in a Steelix or Dark
Blastoise deck, basically warding off ER threats from Kingdra or
Dark Gatr. But it's not necessary.
Unlimited Rating: 3.5/5
Modified Rating: 1.5/5
MMF Rating: 2/5
Limited Rating: 1.5/5
~ RaNd0m

This was once a Counter-Gym for a lot of decks. If you have
no Gyms that can benefit you, Ecogym would do the job. Personally,
I have preferred Cinnabar City Gym.
Back to the card... When it first came out, a lot of people abused
it because they misunderstood card. People used to think that you
can get back energies that you discard for Flamethrower or when
you retreat (making Raindance deadly). Afterwards, people started
to understand the card and find that it's just useful in certain
decks. Most unlimited decks either run heavy ER or have heavy
trainer disruption. If you plan on using only Ecogym to protect
your energies, you're dreaming. If you use ERs yourself, you'll
find situations where Ecogym hurts you more. No Removal Gym works
really well, especially if you play Slowking (your opponent
discards 2 cards, no matter what, BEFORE Mind Games). I just find
Ecogym not really useful now.
In Modified, it's next to useless. There are very few ways
to remove energies and it's not really worth putting Ecogyms in
your deck.
In Draft, same as Modified. ER is practically non-existant here.
It's a decent Counter-Gym though.
Unlimited Rating: 2.5/5
Modified Rating: 1.7/5
Draft Rating: 1.5/5
Thursday: Ecogym
In Standard it goes good with Steelix or
Murkrow. getting the OHHH so useful Metal and Darkness energys
back. =\
In Modified there's no need for Ecogym.
Because of the lack of removing energy attacks/trainers.In MMF
it's only use would be for Steelix agaisnt Kingdra.
Standard 3.5/5
Modified 1/5
MMF 2/5
Draft 1/5
TR Shadow
This card will help you in unlimited when
your opponent plays SERs and your playing non-basic energy
in your deck, although this would only happen in unlimited. Most
decks will need a stadium card just for TecH against other
stadium cards that could mess with your decks strategy (chaos
gym) .There's nothing bad about this card except for the fact
that there are better stadium cards(healing fields, Lucky
stadium ect.) .
~TR Shadow~
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