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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image From Wizards of the Coast
Energy Retrieval - Neo Genesis
Pojo's Average
Rating -
2.53(based on 4 reviews)
Modified: 2.23 (based on 4 reviews)
Limited: 2.80 (based on 4 reviews)
Reviewed Aug 22, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Friday - Super Energy Retrieval
This card... is weird. I want to rate it
good, but I just can't. I don't see the point. Sure, it COULD be
good, but why not just time capsule? Or nightly garbage run?
I just don't get it. I don't think it's that good. I mean, sure,
you get the four energy, then you elm? Aren't there better cards
in the sea? Like Elm, Bill, Oak, Search, Finder, etc.? =/
Unlimited Rating: 3/5
Modified Rating: 2.5/5
MMF Rating: 2.5/5
Limited Rating: 2/5
~ RaNd0m

Super Energy Retrieval
While Super Energy Removal is dubbed as SER, I like to call Super
Energy Retriaval as SERetriaval. This is the upgraded version is
the classic Energy Retriaval, which never saw much play. But there
is one BIG difference that many people fail to realize about this
card. In the case of Energy Retriaval, you are exchanging 2 cards
from your hand (ERetriaval + 1 other card) for 2 cards in your
discard pile (2 Basic Energy cards). On the other hand,
SERetriaval lets you trade 3 cards from your hand (SERetriaval
+ 2 other cards) for 4 cards (4 Basic Energy cards). That's a
simple card economy there. In Unlimited (assuming your energies
are mostly Basic of course), you can use this card in two methods.
The regular method where you simply get back energies or what I
call the swap method. You swap 3 cards for 4 cards so that you can
use those cards for discarding purposes (ie. Computer Search or
Item Finder). Plus, it works really well with decks that discard a
lot of energies.
Of course, this card won't work really well if you play mostly
Special Energy cards.
In Modified, this card lets you put less Energy cards and more
Trainers, which is very powerful. Later in the game, you can
simply discard two cards that you don't need for more fuel. In
Unlimited, this is slightly harder to do because there is simply
too much ER running around.
In Draft, this card is very powerful! I can't remember how many
times I have drew useless cards like low HP Basics in the late
game. Even if you have excess energy, at least you can use
them to retreat or something.
Unlimited Rating: 4.1/5 (In the right deck)
Modified Rating: 1.4/5
Draft Rating: 4.2/5
TR Shadow
Super energy retrieval
This card is pretty pointless in
unlimited, especially when you can just oak to get the energy
you need. If you really need more energy in your deck use NGRs.
Discarding 2 cards makes it even worse.
In modified it's not much better
because NGRs, Misty's wraths, and Trash exchange are still
playable. If your playing g8r-which about half the good
players play in modified-then why would you be wanting to get
energy out of your discard anyway? use Trash exchange instead
Unlimited 2/5
Modified 2/5
MMF 2/5
Draft 2/5
~TR Shadow~
Super Energy
Here is the last of this week's series of Neo Geneses trainers.
In unlimited, this card isn't going to see much play use because
of the mere fact basic energy isn't played in abundance.
Discarding 2 cards from your hand is a cost that's just too much
for this kind of effect. I'd rather discard 2 to search for any
card in my deck.
Next is Modified.
In Modified it poses more of a use here. Basic energy is played up
the wazoo here. It isn't that bad.
I really think this card shines best in Neon. With the limited
amount of recovery, this card can be great if you run into an
energy drought (granted you have the amount needed to play this
card in your discard pile).
It also isn't that bad of a draft card. It isn't first pick
material, but with many multicolor draft decks being played, this
card makes them even more viable by being able to reuse precious
energy resources.
Over all, it's an average card. Not shabby at all.
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