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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image From Wizards of the Coast
All - Neo Destiny
(I removed the average ratings today & in the
future, as I figured your are planning to read all
the great reviews anyways ;-)
Reviewed Aug
26, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Monday - EXP All
I've heard of this card being used. It's not
a horrible card, but I really don't see the point. It's nice to
move an energy, but why have your active die in the first place?
Why don't you play focus band? Huh? Why...?
This would be a great card to play in
normal, fun games. It might anger your opponent even! But in
tournament play, it's not the greatest card. =\
Unlimited Rating: 2/5
Modified Rating: 2/5
MMF Rating: 2/5
Draft Rating: 4/5
~ RaNd0m

Some people added a single copy or two as tech in their deck
recently. I almost see NO point in playing it though. It can
benefit in certain situations but it doesn't really do that much.
I rather have some other game breaking Trainer cards than EXP.ALL.
In Draft, it's a good tempo card. Great early game, I guess.
Can't say much about this card. I just don't think it's worth the
Unlimited Rating: 1.2/5 (Maybe there's a hidden use?)
Modified Rating: 1.2/5
Draft Rating: 2/5
TR Shadow
Exp. all
This is actually a very
interesting card. It requires no flip and lets you pass
the 1 energy per turn rule. It kills in swarming decks and in
other decks it's not bad. Its a pretty good drafting card
especially because you can't have a drafting deck with only one
big evo line.
Unlimited 3/5
Modified 3.5/5
MMF 4/5
Draft 4.5/5
Monday: Exp. All
Not one of the most used tools. It
can be used for swarming your opponent. Getting to keep an energy
can save a lot of building time. I would just rather use the deck
space for something else.
Standard 2/5
Modified 3/5
MMF 3/5
Draft 3.5/5
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