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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image From Wizards of the Coast
Professor Oak's Invention - Neo Destiny
(I removed the average ratings today & in the
future, as I figured your are planning to read all
the great reviews anyways ;-)
Reviewed Aug
28, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Wednesday - Impostor Professor
Oak's Invention
What IS this card? No really, what? I don't
get it... is it really a card? God only knows... I don't like it.
Nope, don't. Well... maybe. If your opponent is playing steelix or
something... play like four of these and use them until all their
steelix are prizes? Eh? I could see some whacked out combo go with
this card... but not in tournament play.
Unlimited Rating - 2/5
Modified Rating - 2.5/5
MMF Rating - 2.5/5
Draft Rating - 2/5
~ RaNd0m

Imp. Prof. Oak's Invention
I think this card wins the "Longest Name" Award. The
card itself though, is a waste of space. It can help in certain
situations but it's too unreliable. Not worth the space in
your deck, unless you're only playing for fun...
Short review once again... =/
Unlimited Rating: 1.3/5
Modified Rating: 1.3/5
Draft Rating: 1.3/5

The first major problem that can
be cited with this card from first glance is that it is entirely
too much to read. No player wants to take the time of day to read
this card out loud to their opponent, especially since the trainer
has a sub-par effect.
While switching your opponent's prize cards
is fun, you have no control over what the new prizes are. So, you
could be doing your opponent a favor. Not to mention your opponent
has to knock out your pokemon before they can get at the prizes.
This card is only good when you are loosing, and even then it
doesn't change the outcome.
Moidifed-Modifed Format - No. Nada. Nein. It
won't see any play in this format. It's effect isn't all that
great, and it could have been better. A 1.5 out of 5.
Standard - You're gone before you can even
make it effective, if it is even effective at all. The problem
with this in standard is that a standard haymaker deck, or any
deck from this format for that matter, can use ALL the cards it
has. So they could care less if you switch their prizes, just as
long as your pokemon are dropping like flies. A 1.5 out of 5.
Draft - Nope. A useless trainer. In card
drawing, no decent effect, nothing worth playing with this card. A
1 out of 5.
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