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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image From Wizards of the Coast
Wave Machine - Neo Destiny
(I removed the average ratings today & in the
future, as I figured your are planning to read all
the great reviews anyways ;-)
Reviewed Aug
30, 2002
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Friday - Thought Wave Machine
I've reviewed random cards for sure. But this week has been
REALLY random. =\ On average, you will return half a card to your
opponents hand. So you DO get to rip up cards in pokemon ;) No...
not really. Actually, only 50% of the time will you return an
energy... 25% return 2. It really is only a good card if you
return 2, and those odds aren't that great. A BAD card.
Basically, this is sickening. Seeing this in a deck might make
me simply throw tyrogues at you randomly.
Unlimited - 1/5
Modified - 1/5
MMF - 1/5
Draft - 1/5
~ RaNd0m

Thought Wave Machine
This card is amazing against Steelix or Chansey if you're good at
getting Heads.
In Modified, it's a form of ER that is allowed so that makes this
card a bit special. If a Gatr or a Magcargo is going to kill you
next turn anyways, you might as well gamble with Thought Wave
In Draft, it's a decent last resort card.
All I'm saying is, even though the card rely heavily on flips, it
can save you in really tight situations. If your opponent has a
monster up and you have no other options, TWM might save you. You
might consider TecH-ing one or two in your deck just in case. It
MIGHT turn an unfavourable situation around. That's a big MIGHT...
Unlimited Rating: 3/5 (Decent last resort card)
Modified Rating: 3.5/5
Draft Rating: 3/5
Thought wave
This card is kind of an energy removal card.
Having the possibility of setting your opponent back a few turns
is pretty good. But the fact it relies on a flip kinda makes it
bad. Especially, if the first flip is tails.
In Unlimited, just use Energy Removal and Super Energy Removal.
In Neon and Modified, it just isn't worth it. The draw back on the
card is just too much.
It might not be that bad in draft. Because quick first turn
attacks aren't that common. And possibly setting your opponent
back when you just would have ended your turn is a chance worth
TR Shadow
Thought Wave machine
Oh no, Another flip! this
could be the new MMF ER/SER. The only problem it the flip.
This would be a good card in a Dark Vaporeon or Dark G8r deck to
put your opponent in an energy crisis. Other then that, it
won't see much use.
In Unlimited, most players will use
SER instead making this card pretty bad. Thought wave
machine will prolly only be seen in MMF and only a few players
will play it.
Unlimited 1.5/5
Modified 2/5
MMF 2.5/5
Draft 3/5
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