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Pokemon Card of the Day
Pidgeot -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Pidgeot (Jungle/LC)
Hm, I think I accidentally deleted the CoTD Schedule, that's why I
missed Monday's... -_-
80HP for a Stage 2 is a bit below average. The zero retreat cost
really helps though. Unfortunately the lower evolutions have
really low HPs...Wing
Attack, although fairly costed, doesn't seem to do enough since
Pidgeot IS a Stage 2...
Hurricane is a good attack against Evolutions, so it's decent in
In Unlimited, this card is not really worth playing. You seldom
see Evolutions here other than Slowkings. Hurricane is mainly
against Stage 2s... 2/5
In Modified, this card is actually playable. Think about it! Stage
2s are everywhere in Modified! With Hurricane, you will slow down
your opponent by a lot. He would have to restart building his
attacker again. Meanwhile, you can attack the rest of his Pokemon.
Once his Stage 2 is ready again (or you can simply Double Gust it
out when you think it's a good time), you can simply Hurricane it
back to his hand. This strategy is even more effective if your
opponent relies more on Pokemon Breeder to get his Stage 2 out...
I think Pidgeot has potential in this format. You should try it
out. 3.8/5
In Draft, free retreat is always nice. Resistant to Fighting is
also helpful. Plus, you can draft Pokemon Breeders too... 3.5/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Ouch, such a cool pokemon, and it isn't even great.
There is ONE deck it goes into well, and thats with Dark Machamp.
But it is really only for fun guys. Playing it in a tounament
will only bring disaster. Most of the time anyway. Unless you
have some kind of scary Dark Machamp/ Pidgeot haymaker or
something. The time elapsed since the last sintence is about 2
minutes, since it took that long to stop laughing =/
Unlimited: Again, only for fun here. Organized play should
not see him. 1.75/5
MMF: Asuming that he was reprinted, he is worse here, just not
much. There really are better things, especially since Dark
Machamp was not reprinted. 1.25/5
Limited: It is unlikely you'll ever see him, and if you do you
wont be able to play him cuz the Piddgeootto (or however it's
spelled) is in base, so if you get a base 2 draft going and draft
both of them, mabey in a million years you could get him out and
then suck and lose with him. See? Don't. Ever. Take Jungle
ELECTRODE over him! .25/5
Fun Factor:2.75/5
The Bottom Line: 1/5
dontknow09 |
Jungle Pidgeot
I remember this birdy. I like the way the picture is drawn, but on
to the
review. 80 HP is kinda low for a stage 2. It could have an extra
10 or 20,
but o well. Too late now. Weakness to lighting is a duh now and so
resistance to fighting. 0 retreat is kool, no matter what.
Attacks, well it
has 2, unlike mantine =P. 2 for 20 for the first one is
average(unless you
put a DCE). Hurricane... well thats probably the reason they made
it holo.
You could blow away any one in your path, ruining they're set up.
Unlimited- Hurricane might work, but you can't depend on it to win
a game.
Im pretty sure alot of you do win with pidgeot, and thats good for
youve learned to use pidgeot correctly. But others use hurricane
too early
and use it one the wrong pokes. In unlimited, its mostly BBP, so
its kinda
pointless to hurricane something like that. But occasionally,
people do play
evolutions, so hurricane will mess up them. 2.75/5
MMF- Since they're mostly evolution lines, hurricane will come in
use. But
wait, wasn't electabuzz jus reprinted? Well not might hurt you
alot. I mean
it WILL hurt you alot. I dontknow. I don't think every deck is
gonna have an
electabuzz, so itll have a decent chance to survive. 3/5
Draft- Stage 2 is gonna kill you. Youll have a very hard time
pulling it
out. When you do, not really gonna help you much. Hurricance, sure
it will
blow a few poke's back, but eventually pidgeot will get knocked
out. The
best pack to draft a pidgeot in is probably lengendary, since
jungle and
base 2 won't do much. 2/5

Random |
Wednesday - Pidgeot
I was worried about this card before I went to Worlds. Of course
as you
all know, I played Dark Blastoise. He gets loaded with 6 or 7
energies, and
goes all out. Well... this card could've hurricaned me away, then
with a main hitter. It didn't look pretty.
For some odd reason, Pidgeot barely showed. I think people were
about lightning, which KILLS this guy. (Pidgey could be kid'd
first turn)
Regardless, it's a great card.
Using this with a heavy hitter could make a deadly deck.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 4.5/5
Limited: 1.25/5 (BAD)
~ RaNd0m
Pikafreak |
Pidgeot. Cool. I used to like this
card before I played MMF. To be able to send their fully
powered charizard back into their hand is just supreme power.
In unlimited it has defense against haymakers, and in MMF it has
an attack that will send all of those popular fully evolved
pokemon back into their hand(if it is legal, I can't remember if
it came out in Legendary or not). This pokemon will rip through
any opposing deck in MMF if they don't have good basic back up.
I really liked using this card agaisnt some jerk who had a
dragonite and mystical bird set.
Unlimited: 2/5 (can't they make a
decent pidgey)
MMF: 4/5
Draft: 2/5 (Two different
sets and both are rares)
X- Act |
Jungle Pidgeot
This card is underrated. Hurricane is a broken attack. For just
colorless energies you have a chance to return the Defending
Pokemon and all attached cards into your opponent's hand. Hmm?
What's the use?Read below... :)
Unlimited: Ack. Both versions of Pidgey have 40HP. Rocket's Zapdos
KOs it without even needing a Pluspower. Even if you manage to get
it out, Electabuzz can KO it in one hit. It's not too weak to SER
though. After all, Wigglytuff and Scyther both have attacks
costing 3 colorless energies too. And it has no retreat cost and
fighting resistance, which are both nice. But, let's face it,
Hurricane here won't do a thing. Hurricane a Sneasel, and next
turn, the Sneasel is on the bench, and almost pumped up again. No,
it's not worth it. 1.5/5
Modified: This card is a pain in Modified. You have a Steelix with
four Metal Energies on it? Hurricane it away. Some people also
tried the (highly debatable) combo of playing Team Rocket's Evil
Deeds with Pidgeot, although it's not too good in my opinion. Most
people also play 3 Metal Energies on Pidgeot, which makes it
harder to kill. I also saw a very effective Venusaur/Pidgeot deck,
which kills Steelix by bringing out Pidgeot active, Energy
Trans'ing 3 Grass Energies on it, Hurricane the Steelix, then
Double-Gusting the poor Grass-weak Onix from the bench to kill it
with Venusaur. Of course, you can choose to Hurricane anything,
not just Steelix. Pidgeot, however, needs to be careful from the
new Buzz threat. It can also be tricky to get it out, since both
Pidgey and Pidgeotto are Double-Gust OHKO baits. If you do manage
to get it out, though, it's a force to be reckoned with. 3/5
Draft: Well, this rating should depend on whether you're drafting
Jungle or Legendary Collection. However, in both sets, Pidgeot is
rare, and what's worse, Pidgeotto is rare too. That makes it
impossible to get. But this matter shouldn't even arise, as
Pidgeot in this format is not too good. Hurricane here wouldn't be
of much use here I guess. To make matters worse, the Pidgey, to
put it mildly, stinks.
1.5/5 |
TR Shadow |
The first attack is weak and
overpriced. The hurricane is nice if your opponent has no
bench, mostly because it wins you the game =P. It works well on
stage 2s too because your opponent must re-evolve that Pokemon.
80hp is pretty solid and a free retreat helps a lot since most
stage twos have 2 or 3 retreat.
It has that 3 energy thing so you
can have it powered up on the third turn. All playable stage 2s
should only use three energy to use their big attack.
Unlimited 2/5
Standard 3/5
Modified 4/5
Limited 2/5
TMP 4/5
Thundachu |
Ok, this card explains the meaning of "If it is a stage 2, it
doesnt mean it is good". 80 HP is pretty good for a stage 2 but
pretty bad at the same time. Weakness to Lightning is ok since
Lightning is rarley played anymore. It has the power to resist
Rouge witch in my opinion pwnz all. 2 energy for 20 damage is
cool. I LOVE the Free Retreat cost. 0wnage there. Hurricane is ok.
For 3 energy does 30 damage and is like Dark Machamp's Fling, only
goes to your opponent's hand instead unless K0.
Unlimited: 2/5
Modified: 2.5/5
Draft: 1/5
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