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Pokemon Card of the Day

Image from
Wizards of the Coast |
Pidgeot -
& Reviews below
Ratings are based
on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Pidgeot (Exp.)
Another Pidgeot... o_O
80HP is a bit low for a Stage 2,
but I guess it's the standard for Pidgeots. Beating Wings is an
interesting Power. It lets you shuffle a bench Pokemon and all
cards attached to it to your deck every turn. Hm, what card does
this combo with? Yep. Base/LC Alakazam! Damage Swap all of your
damage counters to any Pokemon (preferably a BBP like Wobbuffet or
Chansey) with Alakazam's Power. Then use Pidgeot's power to
shuffle that Pokemon to your deck. Anti-decking and healing rolled
into one card. Evil... ~_^
Sharp Beak is nothing special. 3 colorless energy for an average
of 35 damage is decent I guess. The high HP and awesome Power (not
to mention the combo with Base/LC Alakazam) makes it quite
playable though.
In Unlimited, don't bother with this card. ER kills it. Rocket's
Zapdos kills the poor Pidgeys before they get the chance to spread
their wings... T-T 2/5
In Modified, a deck based around Pidgeot and Alakazam CAN work if
you pull it off fast enough. Getting 2 Stage 2s out is hard but
once you get both out, your opponent HAS to be able to do 80
damage in one hit or else... I don't think anyone has bothered to
try this idea out. Or maybe no one has thought of it before... ~_^
4.2/5 (A bit high, I know. But it has a LOT of potential... Try
the deck out!)
In Draft, colorless attack, free retreat, resistance to
fighting... All good points. The power can be helpful as it can
prevent your opponent from getting prizes... 3/5 |
The Poke`mon Master 1110
Hmmmm... this is very
interesting. Could this guy revive Damage Swap? There's an
idea. No, it won't though. The power is nifty but only
situationallt useful, and the attack is sub-par. 80 HP is decent,
and free retreat along with fighting resistance is nice, but not
good enough overall.
Unlimited: Nope. He gets beaten
here too fast. It won't take your opponet more that 2 turns most
likely to take him out. 1.75/5
MMF: Still doesn't do much at
all. It the power worked from the bench, he'd be good. But it
doesn't, so he is bad. 2.25/5
Limited: Nah. He wont be able to
affect the game enough. 1.25/5
Fun Factor: 2.75/5
The Bottom Line: 1.75/5
X- Act |
Expedition Pidgeot
Last Wednesday we looked at the Jungle Pidgeot. Today we're
looking at
its Expedition cousin. :o
Unlimited: Hmm. Let's see. Interesting Poke-Power. You shuffle any
of your Benched Pokemon to your deck, if this bird is Active. Is
it worth it? Not at all. I don't see any reason why you should
shuffle any of your benched Pokemon to your deck, apart from to
save one of your benched Pokemon from being KOed. However,
shuffling it into your deck is, in my opinion, too drastic an
action to do. Not to mention playing a Stage 2 Pokemon just for
the SOLE reason to do that. =\ A Stage 2 Pokemon whose evolution
line contains a Basic Pokemon that has 40HP and Lightning
weakness. =\ But despite of all this, I've seen a fun deck that
contains this Pokemon. It used this Pidgeot with Rocket's Zapdos.
When the Zapdos is about to die, it is retreated, sends out this
bird, and shuffles the Zapdos into his deck. Then another Zapdos
goes active, and Plasmas the shuffled Rocket's Zapdos' Lightning
energies (which were discarded when it retreated). It wasn't a
horrible deck, it was just a fun deck. So, the bottom line is: if
you want to play for fun, you MIGHT use it. If not, you WON'T use
it. ;x
Modified: I believe it's even worse here. >_< Tell me a decent
Pokemon to shuffle in your deck, and I'd give Expedition Pidgeot a
higher rating. I mean, you surely are NOT going to shuffle your
hard-to-get Stage 1 or 2 Pokemon, right? At least in Unlimited it
could shuffle Basic Pokemon... "Oh, maybe you could shuffle a... a
BABY?" I'd rather shuffle my... hair. :O Wait, that didn't make
sense. LOL. 1/5
Draft: It stinks here too. Besides from the fact that it's a rare
a Stage 2, its attack does too little damage for its cost, and its
Power is anything but useful. (Yes, it has an attack, but I didn't
bother to mention it in the previous two formats.) The lower stage
evolutions of this Pokemon are also weak and have below average
attacks. So, basically, try to avoid picking up any Pokemon that
starts with the letters "pidge"... especially if you're drafting
1/5 |
TR Cassidy |
Yeah, holiday break countdown + lots o' homework before finals =
stressed out TRC =\. Sorry I haven't done much lately, hopefully
I'll fix some decks and stuff over break.
Annnnyway, our card for today is Pidgeot. Its power is kinda like
good ol' Mr. Fuji from Fossil, except you can use it on each turn.
So basically, send up pidgeot, use its power, shuffle back
something near death into your deck, promote cleffa, eeeeeeeeek
and hope you get it back ^_^. That can work......in theory....but
I'd rather run scoop up/center instead as theories are often
disrupted, and it's attack bites. Pidgeot's vunerable to pichu,
elekid, and the newly released buzz promo. So yeah, try it in a
fun deck, good luck, and happy holidays.
Unlimited-- Buzz can KO this guy with a heads in one shot. And its
attack sucks so it can't hold it's own at all against all the
heavy hitters in this format. If you want the effect of its power
run Mr. Fuji, it's artwork is cuter =\ .5/5
Modified-- I like electabuzz, so maybe I'm just being biased or
something. I really don't see the point of this card in this
format either. =\ 1/5
Limited-- Hey, here you can use it's power to help you out, either
to get cards back into your deck, stop your opponent from grabbing
a prize, or just because it has free retreat/resistance to
fighting/colorless attack. So while it's a stage 2 and you most
likely will get only 1 copy, grab it anyway, it might help you
out. 3/5
~TRC |
dontknow09 |
Expedition Pidgeot
Another quick one. No time to spare when finals are here(unless
you dont take Pre-AP/AP classes). Pidgeot- 80HP, could use xtra
10; 0 retreat always cool; Power- you decide; Attack- wish it was
30+20 instead of 20+30.
Unlimited- Too slow. Power is somewhat pointless. Attack needs to
be reversed. Lightning will destroy. 2.25/5
MMF- Better birds out there. Electabuzz will destroy. Power, still
cant find use for it. Attack wont help much. 2.49/5
Draft- Stage 2, bad. Attack, somewhat expensive. Risky/ flippy.
Pass it on. 1.75/5
GL too all of you who take finals. STill stuck in the middle
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